Good job, you should try implementing the feedback below. The point of this homework was to explore a simple example of a full MVC application with a RESTful API. Here's a few things I was looking for:
Movie model. Did you have some way to create it from a dictionary?
You should have implemented a custom cell. When creating a custom cell, make sure never to use imageView, titleLabel, or subtitleLabel. Those are already used by UITableViewCell and using them in your custom cell will cause subtle things to happen such as image views not loading until you click on the cell.
If you chose to embed an image, you should have loaded the images asynchronously. One way to do that was to use AFNetworking, installed via CocoaPods.
If you had an image, you should observe the UIContentMode of the UIImageView. By default, it will stretch the image to match your dimensions, which is probably not what you want.
If you had a custom cell, you should configure the Auto Layout parameters. We'll review that in class.
Optionally, you could have displayed some loading indicator while you were fetching the movies.
Optionally, you could have displayed an error if you failed while fetching the movies. Preferably something better than the default UIAlertView. Check out what Twitter or Instagram does if there is a network error.
Optionally, you could have created a MovieViewController which is launched if a user taps on a row. This will expose you to segues, especially since you'll want to set the movie on the MovieViewController to the one you tapped on. See this gist for a code snippet of how to set the movie:
@nesquena @timothy1ee