MasonProtter / Symbolics.jl

A symbolic math library written in Julia modelled off scmutils
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[Feature Request] SymReal and domain inference #22

Open Roger-luo opened 5 years ago

Roger-luo commented 5 years ago

currently symbols are all defined as subtype of Number, which my cause things not work with builtin complex number. After I played a few ideas with my own toy engine:

I think a proper solution might be to have different types defined as subtype of Real, Number and even AbstractMatrix. This will make symbolic objects go through most of the functions defined in many packages, so a lot things should "just work".

Moreover, the domain can always be inferred by Julia's own type inference in this way. So to be more specific what I'm suggesting is to separate the engine with higher abstraction of the symbols, e.g Variable, Term, Expression etc.

maybe we could just use Rewrite.jl or Simplify as the engine in the future, and provide this wrapper here, it would look like

struct SymReal <: Real

struct SymComplex <: Number # see JuliaLang/julia/issues/33246

struct SymMatrix{T <: Union{SymReal, SymComplex}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

and we could just forward the functions calls to Term, e.g

Base.sin(x::SymReal) = SymReal(@term(sin(x.term)))
Base.sin(x::SymComplex) = SymComplex(@term(sin(x.term)))

in this way the Real/Complex domain of result type can be inferred by Julia's own type inference from these primitives (imagine if there is a more complicated user defined function)


Roger-luo commented 5 years ago

here is a toy implementation if anyone would like to play with it:

using Simplify, MacroTools

struct SymReal <: Real

SymReal(name::Symbol) = SymReal(Variable(name))

function, x::SymReal)
    t = x.term
    ex = MacroTools.postwalk(Simplify._show_term, get(t))
    macro_call = Expr(:macrocall, Symbol("@term"), nothing, ex)
    repr = sprint(show, macro_call)[9:end-1]
    print(io, repr)

_term(x) = x
_term(x::SymReal) = x.term

function track(f, xs...)
    xs = map(_term, xs)
    t = track_term(f, xs...)
    return SymReal(t)

@generated function track_term(f, xs...)
        convert(Term, Expr(:call, f, xs...))

Base.promote_rule(::Type{SymReal}, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Real} = SymReal
Base.convert(::Type{SymReal}, x::Real) = SymReal(@term(x))
Base.convert(::Type{SymReal}, x::SymReal) = x
Base.:(*)(x::SymReal, y::SymReal) = track(*, x, y)

x = SymReal(:x)
y = SymReal(:y)
ex = 2x * y * 2
MasonProtter commented 5 years ago

Yes, this is a good suggestion. I have some ideas for a next gen interface as I rewrite Symbolics.jl from scratch, but those aren't really ready to make public.