On "index" method, I'd like to sort by EPG by start_time.
I'd like to show all EPG of certain "ch_id".
In this case how would I do it? or it's better to stick with main framework, not masonite-api.
Generally speaking, where is best place to post general how-to questions about the framework?
To be honest I stick with the general framework for building api but if you want to to this for index methods you can just override that index method and return what you want
Hello, I am creating API for TV Guide while learning Masonite framework. `"""Model Definition (generated with love by Masonite)
On "index" method, I'd like to sort by EPG by start_time.
I'd like to show all EPG of certain "ch_id".
In this case how would I do it? or it's better to stick with main framework, not masonite-api. Generally speaking, where is best place to post general how-to questions about the framework?