MasoniteFramework / orm

Masonite ORM is a beautiful Python ORM. It's also a nearly drop in replacement of the Orator ORM
MIT License
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Bug: command migrate #794

Closed kassiodouglas closed 1 year ago

kassiodouglas commented 1 year ago

Hello. I'm having problems running the command below, it says that the database configuration file was not found, but I'm sending it as an option in the command in '--config'. From my tests, there are many layers where the 'load_config()' method is called, and it seems to me that the configuration is not passed on. Creating a folder in the root of the application like 'config/', fixes the error, but I would like to use the config option in the command to modify. I still couldn't change the 'DB_CONFIG_PATH' variable either.

command: masonite-orm migrate --connection=default --directory=app/database/migrations --config=app/configs/



  ORM configuration file has not been found in config.database.

  at D:\ServerLocal\Python\GrupoKascavel\_ENVKASCAVEL\lib\site-packages\masoniteorm\ in load_config
       26│     config_module = pydoc.locate(selected_config_path)
       27│     if config_module is None:
    →  28│         raise ConfigurationNotFound(
       29│             f"ORM configuration file has not been found in {selected_config_path}."
       30│         )
       31│     return config_module