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Suspect of wrong structure annotation in RIKEN (PR309083, PR309084 and PR309087) #171

Open bachi55 opened 3 years ago

bachi55 commented 3 years ago


I stumbled over something that looks to me like a structure miss-annotation in a few RIKEN records.

PR309083 image image

PR309084 image image

PR309087 image image

Here, to me (as really not MS person) it looks like PR309083 and PR309084 are more similar in spectrum and retention time, than PR309083 is with PR309087. So, I guess even if 83 and 84 would not be the same structure, 83 and 87 should not be either.

However, it can be I miss here something. For example, missing stereo-chemistry annotation which leads to the different retention times and was maybe out of scope of the experiments. However, even than the spectra might should look more similar?

Best regards,


sneumann commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for the report. We'll try to find someone in RIKEN to confirm. Yours, Steffen