MassBank / MassBank-data

Official repository of open data MassBank records
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Dev #193

Closed anjuraj15 closed 2 years ago

anjuraj15 commented 2 years ago

Fixed issue #192 and couple of LU records have been removed due to issues identified in the submission (possible mixed spectra). @schymane

meier-rene commented 2 years ago

I hope you don't mind if I add your changes manually and not via the pull request. I reverted one commit and moved that to a different branch, because the data is not finished. And this revert would be added again with your pull request.

anjuraj15 commented 2 years ago

I hope you don't mind if I add your changes manually and not via the pull request. I reverted one commit and moved that to a different branch, because the data is not finished. And this revert would be added again with your pull request.

Sure, Thank you !

meier-rene commented 2 years ago

I need your assistance pls. I messed up a bit and the summary of your PR got lost. Can you please check if the following reflects your changes:

Just in case you have to submit a deletion again in the future I would like to explain our record deletion policy. If a record has been released in an massbank release, we do not delete them. They stay there and get a DEPRECATION notice in the file. This ensures, that people can still find the record by accession and prevents reuse of the accession by a different spectra by accident.

tsufz commented 2 years ago

@meier-rene, I think, we require an update / enhancement of the documentation.

anjuraj15 commented 2 years ago

I need your assistance pls. I messed up a bit and the summary of your PR got lost. Can you please check if the following reflects your changes:

  • changed name in Eawag/EA2925XX
  • deletion of LCSB/LU08010X and LCSB/LU09280X

Just in case you have to submit a deletion again in the future I would like to explain our record deletion policy. If a record has been released in an massbank release, we do not delete them. They stay there and get a DEPRECATION notice in the file. This ensures, that people can still find the record by accession and prevents reuse of the accession by a different spectra by accident.

Yes, I recognize the changes, and thank you for informing me of the new record deletion policy. As Tobias said, it would be beneficial if the documentation was updated so that contributors could stay up to date on current policies.