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Another attempt at submitting BfG spectra #249

Closed ksjewell closed 7 months ago

ksjewell commented 7 months ago

The validator found a few more errors, which I corrected. There is still an uncertainty with MSBNK-BAFG-CSL231109456 (see issue: 248. But since it is just one file, I just changed it manually to the "l" variant.

schymane commented 7 months ago

Kevin you are a legend, thanks for persisting with the submission. Have to let @meier-rene do his magic first, but UniLu are on standby to update PubChem etc integration as soon as we have the updated release!

ksjewell commented 7 months ago

:) Thanks Emma!

meier-rene commented 7 months ago

Thank you! Your contribution is now merged into our development branch. Only thing I had to do was some minor cleanup of project files. Finally I squashed all commits into one single commit. Your effort is very much appreciated. The spectra will be released with the next official release. I will now prepare a new release of the software, because we included the new license. When the software is released I can create the new data release. You can expect it within the next days.