MassBank / MassBank2NIST

A converter between MassBank and NIST (and Bruker .library) formats and back
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Record title is getting mangled #23

Open schymane opened 9 years ago

schymane commented 9 years ago

SU000015.txt RECORD_TITLE: Metamitron-desamino; LC-ESI-ITFT; MS2; 35%; R=7500; [M+H]+; LC-ESI-QTOF; MS2; CE:10 eV; [M+H]+ (this should not pass validation....two different instrument types - and one inconsistent with the one given below) also SU000001.txt RECORD_TITLE: Sulfamethoxazole; LC-ESI-QTOF; ; CE:10 eV; [M+H]+ what is the missing ; ; ? In SU000008.txt this is MS2, even though it is bbCID