MassBank / RMassBank

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Add 'NIST msp' to input choices #185

Open Treutler opened 6 years ago

Treutler commented 6 years ago

I would like to create MassBank records from *.msp spectral libraries as this format is exported by raw-data-processing software like MS-DIAL. For this, I would add the option 'msp' to parameter 'readMethod' in function 'msmsRead' and implement the corresponding functionality in file 'leMsmsRaw.R'.

meowcat commented 6 years ago

Hi Hendrik,

MSP input and output are really really high on my priority list. I have done some preliminary work, unfortunately I have not so much time to work on RMassBank right now.

I want to add the functionality, but not via msmsRead, rather as a "parsing" functionality that can read in MSP, MGF or MassBank spectra. I actually have more changes pending that make going from MassBank to MSP/MGF and the other way around easier...

How soon do you need this functionality?

Treutler commented 6 years ago

Hi meowcat,

I would like to use RMassBank as follows: We (i) measure some standards, we (ii) process the raw data to msp, and RMassBank should (iii) select the standards-spectra from msp given the compound-list (and ignore the remaining spectra in the msp file) and (iv) export the standards-spectra to MassBank format and msp format.

I implemented the functionality to (iii) select the standards-spectra from msp (based on the xcms-routines). Here, I adapted a simple msp-parser, but this could be replaced by your (probably more sophisticated) parser(s).

All in all, I have the feeling that the acquirement of spectra (parsing or raw-data processing) should be separated from the selection of spectra of interest. I think this modularity would lead to a better code-maintainability and code-extensibility.

I am working on this at the moment, maybe we can bring our code together in the next week(s)?

meowcat commented 6 years ago

Hi Hendrik,

We can work on that; one question though: why do you not process the raw data directly with RMassBank?

Treutler commented 6 years ago

We work with SWATH-MS/MS data and as far as I know this kind of data is not supported by xcms/CAMERA (in particular the deconvolution of SWATH-MS/MS spectra). We do the raw-data processing using MS-DIAL instead and export the spectra to msp.

meowcat commented 6 years ago

Oh. Yeah I have actually started to implement a SWATH deconvolution in RMassBank but I don't think it's really working well yet.

What do you currently use to parse MSP? Can it deal with both the "conventional MSP format" mz int, mz int, mz int or also with the "hi-res format"

mz int comment
mz int comment


I am currently only working on the latter, but to me it is important also

So this requires a bit of thinking...

tsufz commented 3 years ago

Hi, during the NORMAN cross-working group meeting, this topic was mentioned again. We have a potential contributor who wants to submit in msp format and thus we should go ahead with implementation. He promised to provide test data.

Best, Tobias

tsufz commented 3 years ago

@pstahlhofen, could you keep care on it, please?

pstahlhofen commented 3 years ago

Sure, I will

meowcat commented 3 years ago

Question: is the processing from msmsWorkflow and mbWorkflow still desired and useful in this case, or are these already curated spectra? Or rather, in two parts:

The work to be done is quite different for the two cases I think. One is converting an entire MSP record with annotations into something that works with mbWorkflow final steps; the other is more or less splitting a list of MSP records into a compoundlist and a peaklist and rerunning everything.

sneumann commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'd like to introduce @achimmiri working in my group and picking up some of the work by Hendrik. We still have *.msp files coming from e.g. MS-Dial for all features with MS/MS data, so we'd like to still use the Workflow to read 'em in and select the most suitable MS/MS spectrum regarding precursor mz and RT from our compound list.

meowcat commented 3 years ago

It could be actually useful to make a reader from Spectra instead of MSP, and then use your MsBackendMsp or my generalized text backend from (mine is stalled WIP for sure but does work at least for non-crazy cases, I think yours is also still WIP?) This way we not only avoid writing another MSP parser in addition to our other WIP ones, but additionally get access to all data from Spectra infrastructure.