MassBank / RMassBank

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Update of test data #259

Open tsufz opened 3 years ago

tsufz commented 3 years ago

While running the vignette, I got this warnings (I installed the latest from Michele's repo:

storedW <- loadMsmsWorkspace(system.file("results/pH_narcotics_RF.RData",

  • package="RMassBankData")) Warning messages: 1: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : You are loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The aggregate tables are not loaded from the original object, but recomputed. 2: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : If you hand-edited any aggregate table, the information might not be retained in the new object. 3: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : You are loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The aggregate tables are not loaded from the original object, but recomputed. 4: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : If you hand-edited any aggregate table, the information might not be retained in the new object. 5: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : You are loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The multiplicity filtering results are not loaded from the original object, but recomputed. 6: In .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose) : If you hand-edited any multiplicity filtering results, the information might not be retained in the new object.
meowcat commented 3 years ago

So, on one hand, I think it is a good thing having the old test data, because it shows that the update path is working (and I left it in on purpose). On the other hand, I don't know how important that still is... Another idea would be to leave the old one in, in a unit test but not the vignette, and to add a new-format one for standard use.