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Research: Cold emails viability #3

Closed leandrosardi closed 2 years ago

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


Hello. I need advice on running cold email campaigns on a large scale.

My concerns are the following:

Other questions that I have:

More advanced questions:

Answer 1


Work off 50 emails a day per email address, 5 emails per domain. So 250 emails a day per domain. 10k emails a day is 40 domains.

Cold emails been around forever, it isn't going away any time soon.

If you're interested, we build out cold email infrastructure for clients to get to that kind of sending level. Our DFY offer is 100k emails a month, but can easily adjust to 10k/d, it's just more domains and mailboxes.

The biggest hurdle is getting enough data fast enough to send that volume. You'll need a full time VA scraping data all day to consistently maintain a 10k/d sending rate

Answer 2


If you want to send 10k emails per day relatively safely you will need a lot of domains and email accounts, one way to do it would be:

  1. Buy 50 domains

  2. Create 5 email accounts per domain = 250 email accounts

  3. 40 emails per day per email account = 10,000 emailsThe frequency of how often you will have to replace domains depends on you, if all of these 10k emails are exactly the same and people report you as spam all the time, you will run into issues pretty often.

Other questions you have:

  • Regarding bounce rates, there is no maximum/minimum limit, make sure your lists are as clean as possible and make sure you have as little bounces as possible.

  • If you have 5 email accounts per domain, then about 200 emails per day per domain is a good limit.

  • Cold emailing is super stable and a great way to grow your business if you follow all best practices and make sure you don't blatantly spam and annoy people. If you offer value, make your emails personal and targeted you will surely find success.

Answer 3

I will share you my current setup, 1k emails per day, 50-60 percent open rate .

I got 4 domains. 5 email account per domain..

Total of 20 email account, 50 email sent per day

I spintxt a lot in subject , per paragraph .

I can only send 300+ new contacts everyday because I have 2 follow up email every 2 days and the follow ups are also included in 1000 email sent per day.

So.. if you want 10k email sent per day.. you will need : 40domains 5 email accounts per domain = 200 email account 200 email accounts x 50 email sent per day = 10,000 email per day

Or you can try 20 domains , 10 emails per domain

Warming should be on. Send atleast 30-50.

Queston 2

One more question: should I spintax the messages?

Answer 1


Answer 2




I want to create my own warming-up tool to save some money.

How many different email addresses are needed to do a good warming up of an account?

Answer 1

Pues es un promedio de 50 mensajes diarios x 6 días a la semana, 300 cuentas por semana, 1200 al mes

Supongo que se pueden repetir, pero no todo el tiempo

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Facebook Groups where I can ask

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Looking for Providers --> they provide free warming up, but you have to connect your email gmail, outlook or smtp. --> free warming tool.

Cold Email to Providers

I have some questions:

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Setting up our own SMTP servers

  1. ✔ where to rent VPS?
  2. ✔ how to link a domain to the VPS?
  3. ✔ how to set up MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC on domain?
  4. ✔ how is the warm up the IP/domain? --> thousands of gmails, yahoos, hotmails, and corporate. and automate conversations.
  5. ✔ should I do spintax? --> yes
  6. ✔ how to track bounces? --> postfix log or parse email responses? --> parse responses
  7. ✔ how to track spam complaints? --> CANCELED
  8. :x: how to setup postfix track responses? --> Use messageId when sending an email.
  9. :x: how to setup many email addresses and deliver from different email addresses.
  10. :x: how to connect smtp from ruby and deliver emails.
  11. ✔ how to setup dkim private key on postfix?
  12. ✔ how to setup 1 VPS with many IP/domains to reduce costs? --> CANCELED -> use many accounts/domain instead## Glossary of Terms- MTA: Mail Transfer Agent

    VPS Requirement

How to set Email Server: MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

How to Handle Bounce Reports and Spam Complaints


Mutt get closed

Problem: I run mutt, it asked for creating Mail directory, and the it closes.

Solution: Run sudo mutt instad.

"Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.)."

Problem: Getting "Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.)." when sending email from mutt.

Solution: You didn't install postfix, or something else used to send mail. Run sudo apt-get install sendmail or sudo apt-get install postfix.

Brainstorming Email Software

Brainstorming Extensions / Whole System Layers

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Pending to research

  1. how to warm up email server at an affordable cost?
  2. how to clean list at an affordable cost?
leandrosardi commented 2 years ago
debconf-set-selections <<< "postfix postfix/mailname string"
debconf-set-selections <<< "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type string 'Internet Site'"
apt-get install --assume-yes postfix

Question to HostWinds

The IP is listed by many blacklists. Can you replace it by a clean IP ?

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


What are SPF records?

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records allow you to create a list containing IP addresses (or subnets) that you authorize to send emails on your behalf. This makes it harder for malicious email senders to hide their identity and use your email server for fraud or spam. This will prevent your domain name from being spoofed when an email is received. Doing this will protect against phishing attempts coming from your domain, as well as "identity theft" through emails.

What is DKIM?

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) helps ensure emails are not altered between the original and final destination. Each email is signed with a private key that's validated by a public key set in the DNS of the final destination mail server. This way, if any modifications are attempted during transit for the email, the end-user will know when checking.

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Question to NameCheap Support

I want to automate the setting up of domains

how can I do that by code?


It may be possible to do with API.

You need to enable it in your Namecheap account and whitelist your IP address in order to perform any actions.

Please go to Profile > Tools > Namecheap API access.

Here is our full list of API methods that you can use in your API calls:

You can check our FAQ article about API:

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Question to NameCheap Support

One more question: how is the processing of bounces and spam complaints? I want to do it programmatically, but I don't understand where I am being notified. Is it in a log file? Is it in notification emails?


Bounceback usually is like email 'Delivery failed' or something like this. Also ,you can check your MX records here: There are no bounces to check if the email goes to spam. But you could use this tool:

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago




If you want to rotate a key, you should never change the existing record, but instead create a new record.

How to setup the DKIM private key on Postfix?


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago




leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Email Health Check



leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

how to setup dkim private key on postfix


Error: "Failed to start OpenDKIM DomainKeys Identified Mail" when run sudo service opendkim restart.

Solution: Find what is causing the error by running this command journalctl -f -u opendkim.service Reference:

Error: "key data is not secure: /etc/mail/dkim.key can be read or written by other users" when checking journalctl -f -u opendkim.service


chown root:opendkim /etc/mail/dkim.key
chmod 640 /etc/mail/dkim.key


Problem: "Bash: mail: command not found"

Solution: sudo** apt-get install mailutils


how to setup postfix track responses


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Postfix Log

They should be in /var/log/mail.log.


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Problem: Email bonced with error ""is not accepted due 550-5.7.26""


mv /etc/mail/dkim.key /etc/mail/dkim.key_old
cd /etc/mail
cd dkim-keys
cp ./mail.private /etc/mail/dkim.key
sudo service opendkim restart
sudo service postfix restart
leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

How to connect smtp from ruby and deliver emails.


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Similar Business Model - Vertical Integration

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

SMTP Relay Configuration (final version)


apt update -y

apt upgrade -y

apt install mailutils -y

apt install telnet -y

hostnamectl set-hostname exec bash

nano /etc/hosts

apt install postfix -y systemctl start postfix systemctl enable postfix

useradd postfixuser passwd postfixuser

SantaClara123 SantaClara123

mkhomedir_helper postfixuser

nano /etc/postfix/

myhostname = mydomain = myorigin = $mydomain inet_interfaces = all inet_protocols = all mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain mynetworks =,,, localhost, <the IP of the server from where you will

home_mailbox = Maildir/

TLS parameters






smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache

systemctl restart postfix

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Setup TLS for SMTP


cd ~

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mail.key -out mail.csr

all default values except challenge password

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in mail.csr -signkey mail.key -out mail.crt

cp mail.key mail.crt /etc/postfix

nano /etc/postfix/

smtpd_use_tls = yes smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/mail.crt smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/mail.key smtpd_tls_security_level = may

systemctl restart postfix

Testing sending an email to echo "test email 6789" | mailx -s "Test email from Postfix MailServer 6789" -r

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


apt install dovecot-core -y apt install dovecot-imapd -y apt install dovecot-pop3d -y

/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf login_trusted_networks = localhost protocols = pop3 pop3s imap imaps mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir # (for maildir)

systemctl start dovecot systemctl enable dovecot

Modify: /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf with disable_plaintext_auth = no Modify: /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf with ssl = no

systemctl restart dovecot

openssl s_client -starttls imap -quiet -connect