MassTransit / Sample-RideOn

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Errors running this sample, connected to dev machine via RDP #1

Closed GerardDR closed 3 years ago

GerardDR commented 3 years ago

Bit lost. Getting the below errors as soon as the project is executed. The only changes I made was to change the references to 'Patron' to SMS. Console window shows this as soon as the Console.Readline() is hit. I tried port 29092 (k.Host("localhost:29092");).

[14:56:12 DBG] Configured endpoint SMSSent, Consumer: SMS.Components.SMSSentConsumer [14:56:12 DBG] Configured endpoint SMSSubmitted, Saga: SMS.Components.SMSState, State Machine: SMS.Components.SMSStateMachine [14:56:13 DBG] Configured endpoint SMSVerified, Saga: SMS.Components.SMSState, State Machine: SMS.Components.SMSStateMachine [14:56:13 DBG] Starting host: rabbitmq://localhost/ [14:56:13 DBG] Connect: guest@localhost:5672/ [14:56:13 DBG] Connected: guest@localhost:5672/ (address: amqp://localhost:5672, local: 59853) [14:56:14 DBG] Declare exchange: name: SMSSent, type: fanout, durable [14:56:14 DBG] Declare exchange: name: SMS.Contracts:SMSSent, type: fanout, durable [14:56:14 DBG] Bind exchange: source: SMS.Contracts:SMSSent, destination: SMSSent [14:56:14 DBG] Declare queue: name: SMSSent, durable [14:56:14 DBG] Bind queue: source: SMSSent, destination: SMSSent [14:56:14 DBG] Prefetch Count: 8 [14:56:14 DBG] Consumer Ok: rabbitmq://localhost/SMSSent - amq.ctag-RFQSFw9vuB8zwOlE2bjEsA [14:56:14 INF] Starting rider: confluent.kafka [14:56:14 INF] Started Enter # of patrons to visit, or empty to quit: [14:56:39 DBG] Kafka consumer started: rabbitmq://localhost/kafka/SMSSubmitted [14:56:39 DBG] Kafka consumer started: rabbitmq://localhost/kafka/SMSVerified [14:56:40 ERR] Consumer error (Local_Transport): localhost:9092/bootstrap: Connect to ipv4# failed: Unknown error (after 2033ms in state CONNECT) on SMSVerified [14:56:40 ERR] Consumer error (Local_Transport): localhost:9092/bootstrap: Connect to ipv4# failed: Unknown error (after 2035ms in state CONNECT) on SMSSubmitted [14:56:40 ERR] Consumer error (Local_AllBrokersDown): 1/1 brokers are down on SMSVerified [14:56:40 ERR] Consumer error (Local_AllBrokersDown): 1/1 brokers are down on SMSSubmitted

phatboyg commented 3 years ago

No idea, it's clearly not connecting to Kafka. I don't recall which version that sample has, but you might need to update to the latest bits.

GerardDR commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much for the response Chris.

My bad. I've not used Docker before, so I assumed if there was a docker yml file in the solution folder then VS would automatically ensure the container was run before the app. Didn't realise I had to do a docker-compose up -d prior to running the RideOn sample.