MastaLomaster / bkb

Control keyboard/mouse with the eyetrackers: Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, EyeX, REX, TheEyeTribe, Gazepoint GP3. Also computer control by turning the head along with an Airmouse is supported.
55 stars 12 forks source link

File "tobii_error_codes.h" not found and conversion errors #2

Open mzurita10 opened 9 years ago

mzurita10 commented 9 years ago

Great job!

I've download the source code, but I can not compile because there are many errors, for example, not found the file "tobiigaze_error_codes.h", which is not, and other conversion types errors between 'const char_t' and 'TCHAR*'

If helps, I am using Visual Studio 2013.

MastaLomaster commented 9 years ago


You didn't read the "Compiling the source code" part of the README carefully.

_The file "tobiigaze_errorcodes.h" is a part of Tobii Gaze SDK. I cannot redistribute it.

Include directories must contain the "include" one from the Tobii Gaze SDK 4.0. Gaze SDK 4.0 can be downloaded from: (registration required). Look for the "TobiiGazeSdk-CApi-4.0.X.XXX-Win32" file, where X-current release numbers.

In the project properties enable unicode support

As for now, you have to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (latest update preferred). This is due to the fact that the libraries used (from the Tobii Gaze SDK 4.0) are compiled the same way.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem in compile. Anyway Tobii Gaze SDK 4.0 does not find in download of Tobii website anymore now. Could you provide TobiiGazeSdk, or tobiigaze_error_codes.h for me? I am really need because I am doing research on Eye Tracking. Thanks you.