MastanSayyad / Visual-Sort

Visual Sort is a web-based sorting algorithm visualization tool built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, and JavaScript. This project provides an interactive way to visualize various sorting algorithms in action, helping users understand how different algorithms work and their efficiency in sorting data.
MIT License
8 stars 19 forks source link

Github issue template and Auto commenting after creating an issue #17

Open MastanSayyad opened 1 week ago

MastanSayyad commented 1 week ago

Need Github Auto commenting feature when someone create an issue as a welcome and thank you message the message should also contain to read my file and star the repo before contributing

After clicking on new issue there should three sections

1) Bug Report 🐞 2) Feature Request 💡 3) Documentation 📄

Each of the section should have following sections


(Description about issue)

Use case

(Use cases and benefits)


(Screenshots of the issue or reference)

Additional context