MastanSayyad / Visual-Sort

Visual Sort is a web-based sorting algorithm visualization tool built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, and JavaScript. This project provides an interactive way to visualize various sorting algorithms in action, helping users understand how different algorithms work and their efficiency in sorting data.
MIT License
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Adding comparision of Algorithm Feature #41

Closed SivaBalaji-AR closed 3 days ago

SivaBalaji-AR commented 6 days ago

we can Display comparision of working of two different algorithms and display its stats like time complexity , number of swaps , efficiency in current situation . (From Vsoc'24)

MastanSayyad commented 6 days ago

@SivaBalaji-AR can you also add the time complexity feature for each algorithms

like it should show us the time complexity of the algirthm after the visual sort is done at the top right corner


MastanSayyad commented 6 days ago

If yes then i can add bonus points for it according to the work!

SivaBalaji-AR commented 5 days ago

yes , i can add time complexity , but how the comparision should be exactly .

MastanSayyad commented 5 days ago

@SivaBalaji-AR I dont have any idea regarding it but you can add a table to showcase comparison between sorting algos like best case worst case average case complexity and space complexity like this:


And you can a separate page describing the comparisons

Like for

You can refer this page

Make sure you follow the website design theme for colors background, tables, fonts etc

Thats all i can suggest as visual representation are already present in our website

If you have any idea then do let me know