MastanSayyad / Visual-Sort

Visual Sort is a web-based sorting algorithm visualization tool built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, and JavaScript. This project provides an interactive way to visualize various sorting algorithms in action, helping users understand how different algorithms work and their efficiency in sorting data.
MIT License
8 stars 19 forks source link

adding Privacy Policy Page in footer #58

Open kratik1237 opened 3 days ago

kratik1237 commented 3 days ago

please assign the issue @MastanSayyad

MastanSayyad commented 3 days ago

Privacy policy is already present in footer under legal section, you just have create a new privacy policy page and link it to the footer link @kratik1237

Thing you have to do:

kratik1237 commented 1 day ago

@MastanSayyad done #58