MastekApps / FaqPage

FAQ Page is a SharePoint hosted app that allows you to display frequently asked questions and answers on your SharePoint site
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Having the height of the app auto adjust #30

Open dafUMGC opened 3 years ago

dafUMGC commented 3 years ago

When setting the appearance for the FAQ Client web part, there is an option to "Resize to fit the page". When you select that, the Width grays out, but the height remains adjustable. If you do not set the height value to some large number, then any questions/answers that do not fit within the height of the webpart gets cut off and there is no scroll bar to visible to scroll to see the rest of the items within the webpart. Is there a way to resolve this issue? Would be happy to send along screenshots.

s-KaiNet commented 3 years ago


This issue typically appears on modern SharePoint pages. Unfortunately, that's the limitation and currently impossible to fix.

JonaWer commented 2 years ago

Hello, to be shure: when using Share Point Online, it exists no way of configuration to get a scrollbar at all? I would much appreciate to get a solution for it somehow, otherwise this really good app is unusable in Share Point Online :-(

Best regards Jona