MasterSon-git / vic3-kmpmp

Victoria 3 - Karesak Multiplayer Mod Pack
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Japan 1.7 update #341

Closed xEiweix closed 1 week ago

xEiweix commented 3 weeks ago

→ ~allow only japan to form a powerblock with isolationism~ → add "Spirit of Shiroyama" as starting buff for 50 years grants +50% Prestige (decaying)

→ change the path of westernisation increase to 12 years increase Enactment Successs chance to 15% increase Minting to 30k add +5 Mandate Progress

when Restoration gets finished: change Army IG perk "patriotic fever" to "Battotai" increase OFF/ DEF from 10% to 12.5% OFF / DEF (base value) granting +2.5% Moral dmg (base value) -5% recovery rate (base value)

change perk Veteran consultation name to "Banzai" adds -10% radicals from conquest (base value)

add +30% battle Occupation to empire of the rising sun buff

ig industrialist trait Zaibatsu: add +5% authority

buff states: all new buildings owned by japan (not pops)

Hokkaido: added +20 coal mines added +14 leadmines added +10 iron mines added +15 sulfur mines added +12 logging camps

added +1 Port building

Tohoku: added +20 arable land added +10 coal mines (to+30)

added +1 Port building added +1 cotton plantation

Kanto: added +15 oil resource added +2 port buildings added +2 logging camps added +2 cotton plantations added +2 shipyards added +1 military shipyard

Chubu: added +1 port building added +1 fishing wharves building

Kansai: added +5 Uni building added +1 paper mil added +2 logging camps building added +1 Port building

Shikoku: added +6 iron mines added +5 coal mines

added +1port building

Chugoku: added 20 arable land

added +1 Port building added +1 cotton plant