MasteringOpenCV / code

Code for the book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects" by Packt Publishing 2012.
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Please help to solve error in this Arduino code #112

Closed sri415 closed 11 months ago

sri415 commented 11 months ago

include // Pulse Sensor library

include // Library for GSM module

include <TinyGPS++.h> // Library for GPS module

include // Library for I2C LCD

define HEARTBEAT_PIN A0 // Connect the heartbeat sensor to this pin

define SOUND_PIN A1 // Connect the sound sensor to this pin

define GSM_RX_PIN 10 // GSM module RX pin

define GSM_TX_PIN 11 // GSM module TX pin

// Create objects for the required sensors PulseSensorPlayground pulseSensor; SoftwareSerial gsmSerial(GSM_RX_PIN, GSM_TX_PIN); TinyGPSPlus gps; LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Change the address if necessary

// Set threshold values for heartbeat and sound sensors const int heartbeatThreshold = 90; // Adjust this value as needed const int soundThreshold = 500; // Adjust this value as needed

// Variables to store sensor readings int heartbeatValue = 0; int soundValue = 0;

// Variables to manage emergency alerts bool emergencyAlertSent = false; unsigned long lastAlertTime = 0; const unsigned long alertCooldown = 30000; // Minimum time between consecutive alerts (30 seconds)

void sendSMS(const char recipient, const char message) { gsmSerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Set SMS mode to text delay(100); gsmSerial.print("AT+CMGS=\""); gsmSerial.print(recipient); gsmSerial.println("\""); delay(100); gsmSerial.print(message); delay(100); gsmSerial.write(26); // End SMS message delay(1000); }

// Function to send an emergency alert via GSM void sendEmergencyAlert() { if (!emergencyAlertSent && (millis() - lastAlertTime >= alertCooldown)) { // Get child's location if (gps.location.isValid() && gps.location.age() < 2000) { float latitude =; float longitude = gps.location.lng();

  // Send the emergency SMS with the Google Maps link
  char googleMapsUrl[100];
  snprintf(googleMapsUrl, sizeof(googleMapsUrl),
           ",%.6f", latitude, longitude);

  char smsMessage[160];
  snprintf(smsMessage, sizeof(smsMessage),
           "Emergency! Child needs help! Check their location: %s", googleMapsUrl);

  sendSMS("+919676475713", smsMessage); // Replace with the recipient's phone number
  emergencyAlertSent = true;
  lastAlertTime = millis();

} }

void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.print("Heartbeat: ");

pulseSensor.setup(HEARTBEAT_PIN); gsmSerial.begin(9600); // Initialize other sensors and modules (GPS, GSM) // Add necessary setup for GPS module, if required }

void loop() { pulseSensor.update(); // Update the pulse sensor data soundValue = analogRead(SOUND_PIN); // Read sound sensor data

// Check for incoming SMS if (gsmSerial.available()) { String sms = gsmSerial.readStringUntil('\n'); sms.trim(); // Check if the received SMS contains the "LOC" command if (sms.equalsIgnoreCase("LOC")) { // Send the child's location to the sender's phone number if (gps.location.isValid() && gps.location.age() < 2000) { float latitude =; float longitude = gps.location.lng(); char googleMapsUrl[100]; snprintf(googleMapsUrl, sizeof(googleMapsUrl), ",%.6f", latitude, longitude);

    char smsMessage[160];
    snprintf(smsMessage, sizeof(smsMessage),
             "Child's Location: %s", googleMapsUrl);
    sendSMS("+919676475713", smsMessage); // Replace with the sender's phone number
  } else {
    // GPS data is not valid or too old
    sendSMS("+919676475713", "Unable to get child's location.");


// Check for emergency conditions and send alerts if (pulseSensor.sawNewSample()) { heartbeatValue = pulseSensor.getBeatsPerMinute(); if (heartbeatValue > heartbeatThreshold) { sendEmergencyAlert(); } }

if (soundValue > soundThreshold) { sendEmergencyAlert(); }

// Reset emergency alert flag if conditions are back to normal if (emergencyAlertSent && heartbeatValue <= heartbeatThreshold && soundValue <= soundThreshold) { emergencyAlertSent = false; }

// Display the heartbeat value on the LCD lcd.setCursor(11, 0); // Move the cursor to the 12th column of the first row lcd.print(heartbeatValue); lcd.print(" bpm"); }

BloodAxe commented 11 months ago

Please withstand from posting issues to unrelated repositories. You may get best luck on SO or chat gpt.