Masterminds / glide

Package Management for Golang
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Aliasing repositories does not work #1043

Open Reifier opened 5 years ago

Reifier commented 5 years ago

My configuration:

  - package:
    vcs: git
    version: master


[WARN]  Unable to checkout common
[ERROR] Error looking for common: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to set version on common to . Err: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to set version on common to . Err: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to set version on common to . Err: Cannot detect VCS
[ERROR] Error scanning common/djpcommon: cannot find package "." in:
[ERROR] Error scanning common/logger: cannot find package "." in:
[ERROR] Error scanning common/qhttp: cannot find package "." in:
[ERROR] Failed to retrieve a list of dependencies: Error resolving imports

I tried to change url to include/exclude http and .git but it doesn't work.