Masterminds / squirrel

Fluent SQL generation for golang
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Conditional insert column/value results in invalid SQL #336

Open Southclaws opened 1 year ago

Southclaws commented 1 year ago

I want to conditionally add a value to an insert query but the resulting SQL isn't valid.

    insert := squirrel.Insert("table")

    insert = insert.Columns(

    if v, ok := inv.SomeValue.Get(); ok {
        insert = insert.Columns("some_value").Values(v)

results in

INSERT INTO table (id,account_id,some_value) VALUES ($1,$2),($3)

Is this a bug or do I just have to build a mutable slice of both keys and values and wire it up myself?

version v1.5.3

lann commented 1 year ago

.Values sets an entire row's values at once, so it cannot do what you're going for here. You might be interested in .SetMap:

Note from the docs:

it will reset all previous columns and values