Mastermindzh / tidal-hifi

The web version of Tidal running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine.
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Firefox slows down massively while tidal-hifi is playing music #337

Closed TheEdgeOfRage closed 5 months ago

TheEdgeOfRage commented 5 months ago

I know that this will likely just be a can't reproduce, but I guess I can try. I've installed tidal-hifi as a flatpak (tho I have tried the AUR version as well). When I play music, firefox often becomes almost unusably slow. there's a 100-200ms lag to any click/scroll, fps in firefox goes to <10 and just becomes a horrible mess. As soon as I pause the music (I don't have to close tidal-hifi), it works perfect again.

System: Intel i5-12600K RTX 3080 ArchLinux X11 + proprietary nvidia drivers plain i3 with no compositor

I'm happy to provide any logs that could help, just let me know.

Mastermindzh commented 5 months ago


Very weird! Two things you could try:

Other than that it's definitely a hard thing to reproduce.

TheEdgeOfRage commented 5 months ago

I've enabled minimize to tray and closed the window (since i3 doesn't have normal minimize). This seems to help actually, music plays and firefox behaves normally. GPU rasterization on/off doesn't change anything, it still slows down firefox while the window is open.

I guess minimizing the window is a decent enough workaround for now. I've just bought an AMD GPU and plan to move to wayland with it, so hopefully there won't be issues there.

Mastermindzh commented 5 months ago

Yeah, seems to be a compositing issue more than an app issue. Glad the workaround is sufficient for you 😄!

Enjoy the tunes 🎵