Mastermindzh / tidal-hifi

The web version of Tidal running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine.
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Tidal Connect not working with tidal-hifi on Ubuntu 20.04 #93

Open jbrepogmailcom opened 2 years ago

jbrepogmailcom commented 2 years ago

PC with tidal-hifi does not show as tidal connect device. Any fix/workaround?

Teascade commented 2 years ago

I would like this feature as well. Is this supported by the electron version at all?

Mastermindzh commented 2 years ago

I have no idea what tidal-connect is. I would have to do research into it first.

tp0 commented 2 years ago

One shouldn't expect this feature to work when not it is not supported on the official desktop app either.

Can I play music on my desktop app from my mobile app?

At the moment, you can’t control your desktop app, but this feature is coming soon!

(Has been "coming soon" quite a while.)

Mastermindzh commented 2 years ago

Thanks @tp0,

I had no idea this was even a thing. I can create a remote control for tidal at some point. There is already an API running that can control tidal-hifi anyway.

jsnet-ops commented 1 year ago

Any progress on this? It would be great to control Tidal Connect from Ubuntu.

spikespaz commented 1 year ago

Would really like to see this, I leave my Qudelix-K5 connected to my laptop and walk around with my phone. Media controls on the Qudelix don't work with BlueZ's HiFi codecs, so I would like to see this as a compromise.