MastersAcademy / js-course-2017

Репозиторій з курсу "JavaScript" проекту Masters Academy
MIT License
9 stars 116 forks source link

Project ideas #382

Open smithua opened 6 years ago

smithua commented 6 years ago
  1. Chat app - a standard project that can be done in lots of ways
  2. Imageboard/Forum - Create a forum for you and your buddies to post, administer and share thoughts and ideas.
  3. A simple CMS (or blog) engine
  4. AirBnB project - a place to upload the description of something, with photos, and a map. Also a view to display it.
  5. Tinder project - a "swipe to decide" app
  6. Page Scraper - Create an application which connects to a site and pulls out all links, or images, and saves them to a list. Optional: Organize the indexed content and don’t allow duplicates. Have it put the results into an easily searchable index file. e.g. references from a food blog.
  7. Quiz Maker - Make an application which takes various questions from a file, picked randomly, and puts together a quiz for students. Each quiz can be different and then reads a key to grade the quizzes.
  8. GIF Creator A program that puts together multiple images (PNGs, JPGs, TIFFs) to make a smooth GIF that can be exported. Optional: Make the program convert small video files to GIFs as well.
  9. Calendar app
  10. Contacts manager
  11. File sharing app
  12. Instagram project
  13. Note taking app
  14. Recipes app
  15. Twitter client
volodymyr-logvinov commented 6 years ago

Сформированные команды:


phantom1723 VLKostenko VitaliiLynnyk


MZabolotnev VadimMir MarySaphpir apolon23


TonyMaximow medvedenko96


FrontEnd: BackEnd: Url:

Everett_Young VitaliyRdk AndyScorp

CRM BeautyShop

BaltazoR IuriiGrytsaienko Todoryshyna-Maryna leybal

volodymyr-logvinov commented 6 years ago

Не определились с проектом и коммандой:

Frontend developers:
