Masuzu / SarasaBot

A GBF bot for automated raid farming with scriptable behaviour
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Issue joining raids quickly #275

Closed arcswin18 closed 5 years ago

arcswin18 commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to make raid joining as quick as possible? The process of joining the raid is fast but selecting summons take a while which matters for stuff like Ultimate bahamut or tiamat malice. I have the preferred summon set to blank so that it'll select the first slot but theres still a delay even after changing the mouse delay settings so raids always fill up before I have time to join especially if they are low hp.

Masuzu commented 5 years ago

Hi, The mouse is usually already on top of summon selection menu so movements should be minimal (selecting the summon which is directly under the mouse would be an option for future releases). Make sure to use the QuickRaidJoining mode and if ping is an issue, in order to compete against other automated raid joiners, you have to use a machine directly located in Tokyo