Masuzu / SarasaBot

A GBF bot for automated raid farming with scriptable behaviour
27 stars 4 forks source link

SarasaBot crashes within 5-10 minutes of running #300

Closed justjulz29 closed 4 years ago

justjulz29 commented 4 years ago


I've had this problem for some time with every version I've got and put up with it, but now its really gone out of hand. Sarasa Bot just crashes within 5-10 minutes of it running, not allowing me to farm properly. Is there anyone else who's had this issue before or could do a problem find for me in my settings? I just have no idea how to stop this now. Here's my Sarasa.ini file settings to look at;


[Twitter] RaidsToTrack=Lvl 120 Grimnir,Lv120 グリームニル MaxNumPlayersInRaid=30 MinimumRemainingBossHpPercentage=30 MaximumRemainingBossHpPercentage=100 RaidRequestTimeToLiveInMs=900000 MinDelayInMsBeforeTryingToRejoinRaid=20000 DisplayRaids=true TwitterTimeoutDurationInMs=20000

[General] Language=en MaxNumSoulBerries=9999 AdditionalNumSoulBerriesToUsePerRefill=98 MaxNumSoulBalms=9999 UseSoulBalmsWhenNoRemainingSoulBerries=true UseSoulBalmsFirst=false MaxPageLoadDelayInMsBeforeRetry=3500 ChromeDevToolsWindowDockedOnTheRight=true MaxTriggerDelayInMsBeforeFallback=2300 MaxResponseDelayInMs=2000 MaxNumActionRetries=1 MinWaitTimeInMsAfterRefresh=2000 TimeLimitInSeconds=21000 UseViramate=false OngoingRaidsCheckFrequencyInSeconds=5 WaitForRaidEndBeforeJoiningNewRaid=false

CountdownTimerHorizontalPosition=0 CountdownTimerVerticalPosition=0 FastRaidRewardCollection=false MaximumDelayInMinutesBeforeAttemptingToRetreatFromARaid=10 QuickRaidJoining=true

[Inputs] DelayInMsBetweenMouseDownAndUp=40 RandomDelayInMsBetweenMouseDownAndUp=20 MouseSpeed=700 MouseScrollSpeed=700. ExitKeyCode=112 WaitTimeInMsBeforeClickInput=50

[Summons] PreferredSummons=Kaguya,White Rabbit,Black Rabbit DefaultSummonAttributeTab=Misc, RerollSummonWhenNoPreferredSummonWasFound=false

[Combat]) EnableShortcutKeys=false EnableFpsAcceleration=true MinWaitTimeInMsAfterAttack=500 MinWaitTimeInMsAfterSummon=3000 MinWaitTimeInMsAfterAbility=500 LuaScript=Scripts/Wanpan.lua ReloadPageOnLastBattle=true MaxInactivityPeriodBeforeLeavingTheRaidInMs=20000 AdditionalDelayInMsAfter2ChainBurst=1500 AdditionalDelayInMsAfter3ChainBurst=5000 AdditionalDelayInMsAfter4ChainBurst=7600 AdditionalDelayInMsAfterOverchainBurst=7600

[Debug] Clicks=false ForceRaidRewardCollection=false ForceRaidJoining=false DebugCalibration=false

[Alerting] CaptchaNotificationSoundPath=captcha_notification.mp3 NumNotifications=9999 MaxNumSummonSelectionFailuresBeforePlayingSoundNotification=3 Check4SymbolsPendantsCount=false Max4SymbolsPendantsCount=30000

ramblinguy commented 4 years ago

I've noticed that the bot has been crashing when I turned on the keyboard shortcuts, which doesn't seem to be the case for you. What's in the lua file? Maybe try it with FPS acceleration off too

ramblinguy commented 4 years ago

Actually I have been noticing that it crashes more frequently than it used to. Is there any way to access the logs of whatever Sarasa is printing to the console?

worthworth commented 4 years ago

same here

Masuzu commented 4 years ago

You can start SarasaBot.exe from a console window (search for "CMD" or "Powershell" in your windows search bar) so that log messages are persisted there even after a crash. I have a few intuitions about the recent increase in such crashes.