Masuzu / ZooeyBot

Fully automated slime blasting, event and quest farming bot for GBF
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Script being ignored and zooey wont even attack? #1021

Closed PrinzVelvet closed 5 years ago

PrinzVelvet commented 5 years ago

I am using a very simple code for ROTB but everytime I open zooey it selects my summon and then just does nothing else. Zooey's cmd has no errors or anything it just refuses to do anything

`if turn == 1 then

character_2:UseSkill(3) character_2:UseSkill(2) character_2:UseSkill(1) character_1:UseSkill(1) character_1:UseSkill(2) character_1:UseSkill(3) Summon(1) end`

[EventMode] Enabled=true EventRaidUrl= EventRaidScript=Scripts/zhuque.lua NightmareModeUrl= NightmareModeScript= EventPageUrl= RerollSummonWhenNoPreferredSummonWasFoundForNightmareMode is set to true. NightmareModePreferredSummons=leviathan omega RerollSummonWhenNoPreferredSummonWasFoundForNightmareMode=true NightmareModeAvailableAtStart=false WaitTimeInMsAfterEventPageIsLoaded=1000

Masuzu commented 5 years ago

Hello, At each turn there is a message saying the path of the script which tries to be loaded, so you will know immediately if one is loaded or not.

PrinzVelvet commented 5 years ago

I am not getting that message it tells me about the party selection lua but then it never loads a script despite the path being correct and name of the script is correct

Masuzu commented 5 years ago

Could you please send a screenshot of the console after a few turns to see the messages displayed?

xerance commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue vs lumi hl

Kokkujin commented 5 years ago

I am having the same exact issue, it says combat mode activated then a while the page is loading up it just doesnt move