Mat-O-Lab / RDFConverter

Conversion and validation of YARRRML and Chowlk files to RDF. Applied to Material Sciences Methods
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Error in output of parsing RML from yarrrml2rml endpoint #34

Closed horstf closed 2 years ago

horstf commented 2 years ago

Using the example RML rules from here for example with the rmlmapper jar from, I get the expected mapped rules:

$ java -jar rmlmapper.jar -m rules.rml.ttl
<> <> "".
<> <> "".
<> <> "".

If we use the rules generated through our yarrrml2rml endpoint however, created from this yarrrml file for example, we get the following output:

$ java -jar rmlmapper.jar -m rules.rml.ttl
11:29:56.975 [main] ERROR be.ugent.rml.records.RecordsFactory .getRecords(141) - Referenceformulation is unsupported!
11:29:56.978 [main] ERROR be.ugent.rml.cli.Main               .main(393) - Cannot invoke "be.ugent.rml.records.ReferenceFormulationRecordFactory.getRecords(be.ugent.rml.access.Access, be.ugent.rml.term.Term," because "factory" is null

The problem may be in the different ways the LogicalSource is created. Both use the same JSONPath referenceFormulation. Example File (works):

<> a void:Dataset.
:source_000 a rml:LogicalSource;
    rdfs:label "data_columns";
    rml:source "";
    rml:iterator "$.tableSchema.columns[*]";
    rml:referenceFormulation ql:JSONPath.
:source_001 a rml:LogicalSource;
    rdfs:label "data_notes";
    rml:source "";
    rml:iterator "$.notes[*]";
    rml:referenceFormulation ql:JSONPath.
<> void:exampleResource :map_ForceMeasurementInformation_000.
:map_ForceMeasurementInformation_000 rml:logicalSource :source_001;
    a rr:TriplesMap;
    rdfs:label "ForceMeasurementInformation".
:s_000 a rr:SubjectMap.

Generated RML (problem):

<#ForceMeasurementInformation_0> a rr:TriplesMap;

    rml:logicalSource [
        a rml:LogicalSource;
        rml:source "";
        rml:referenceFormulation ql:JSONpath;
        rml:iterator "$.notes[*]"
    rr:subjectMap [
        a rr:SubjectMap;
        rr:template "data:{@id}";
    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicateMap [
            a rr:PredicateMap;
            rr:constant obo:0010002;
        rr:objectMap [
            a rr:ObjectMap;
            rr:constant method:SpecimenName;