MatAtBread / fast-async

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async functions are omitted when called from a regular function #41

Closed tyrak closed 6 years ago

tyrak commented 6 years ago

I was experimenting with fast-async and babel and I got the following unexpected behavior: Suppose that you have the following input file:

async function dummy() {

// execute dummy in the background:

If I transpile it with babel, the output is empty. When I change the last line to


then everything works as expected.

I have configured babel with plugins: ["fast-async", {spec: true}] without any preset.

matAtWork commented 6 years ago

This works for me (check the link below).

If I had to guess the issue, I'd suggest your config for fast-async is missing/incorrect, and so it's falling back to the default, which is to use LazyThenables.

tyrak commented 6 years ago

I suspect that this is not the case. If I change the last line to dummy().then(); to force dummy to be included, I get the following:

function dummy() {
    return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
        return $return();

which doesn't look like as being lazy. Also, when I change the spec flag to false, I get different output, which makes me believe that fast-async does correctly find the configuration.

Finally, everything does seem to works correctly when I use nodent directly, the problem seems to be with babel+fast-async specifically.

matAtWork commented 6 years ago

Can you provide a .zip or .git repo with your base test case in? I'll see if I can spot what's going on.

tyrak commented 6 years ago

I investigated it futher and it turns out it was a bug in the previous version of rollup. It appears that it has been fixed now. Apologies for the spam.

matAtWork commented 6 years ago

NP. I'm glad you got it working