MatAtBread / fast-async

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SyntaxError: Strict mode does not allow function declarations in a lexically nested statement #49

Closed Cweili closed 6 years ago

Cweili commented 6 years ago

fast-async compiled code throws SyntaxError: Strict mode does not allow function declarations in a lexically nested statement in IOS 9.x.

.babelrc :

  "plugins": [
      "transform-runtime", {
        "polyfill": false,
        "regenerator": false
      "fast-async", {
        "env": {
          "log": false
        "compiler": {
          "promises": true,
          "generators": false,
          "noRuntime": true
        "runtimePattern": null,
        "useRuntimeModule": true

source code:

async(ctx, next) => {
  if (ctx.method != 'GET') {
    const request = serializeRequest(ctx);
    if (!requestLimits[request]) {
      await next();
  } else {
    await next();

compiled code:

function (ctx, next) {
  return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
    var request;

    if (ctx.method != 'GET') {
      request = serializeRequest(ctx);
      if (!requestLimits[request]) {
        return next().then(function ($await_5) {
          try {
            return $;
          } catch ($boundEx) {
            return $error($boundEx);
        }.bind(this), $error);

      function $If_4() { // throws SyntaxError: Strict mode does not allow function declarations in a lexically nested statement
        return $;

      return $;
    } else {
      return next().then(function ($await_6) {
        try {
          return $;
        } catch ($boundEx) {
          return $error($boundEx);
      }.bind(this), $error);

    function $If_3() {
      return $return();

Could you fix this? Thanks very much for your hard work.

matAtWork commented 6 years ago

This is due to the transpiled code declaring itself as strict, but not being really strict. In some cases this occurs because a third-party tool inserts a use strict into the original or transpiled code (eg webpack). Try declaring the original file as strict as well so nodent (fast-async) knows you intend to ship strict code (it doesn't if the use strict was added after compilation). The underlying cause is that iOS 9 doesn't hoist functions nested in blocks in strict mode, unlike every other JS engine out there.

See for more details. The history of wh it is the way it is can be found at