Matan / AssetLoader

Multi file/asset loader for AS3 built on AS3Signals.
MIT License
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Config XML, connections on root #8

Open soundstep opened 12 years ago

soundstep commented 12 years ago

Hi Matan,

The xml attribute connections doesn't seem to work on the node root.

For examples this makes 3 connections in the same time (the 3 videos load in the same time):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<loader base="" connections="1">
        <group id="g1">
            <asset id="v1" src="videos/v1.flv" weight="2 mb" />
        <group id="g2">
            <asset id="v2" src="videos/v2.flv" weight="2 mb" />
        <group id="g3">
            <asset id="v3" src="videos/v3.flv" weight="2 mb" />

To make it work I have to add a group (with a connections=1) to wrap the g1, g2 and g3.

That's a bug right?


Matan commented 12 years ago

Hi, yes that would be a bug. Unfortunately I can only look at AssetLoader early next year. I really want to push out v3 and fix all these little bugs.

Thanks for spotting this, as you and I both know, that config parser needs to be deleted and re-written from scratch! :)

soundstep commented 12 years ago

Make sense and that's not blocking! Are you making the v3 easily portable for me? ;)

Merry Christmas then ;)

Matan commented 12 years ago

:D I hope so! :D

Thanks and same to you! :)