Mataniko / scummvm

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ScummVM crashes before game loading game #308

Closed Mataniko closed 22 years ago

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 308

component: Engine: SCUMM | priority: normal | resolution: invalid

2002-06-16 03:11:03: SF/lparra created the issue

Hi, scummvm crashes when I try to run The Secret of
Monkey Island I \(floppy version\) \(spanish version\). I'm
using ScummVM 0.2.0 Built on Jun 15 2002 21:16:36
\(downloaded from cvs\). I'm using Linux Mandrake.

This is the output from scummvm:
"WARNING: Unsupported oldRoomEffect -32383\!
Loading room 90
WARNING: o5\_lights: lights not implemented\!
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault \(SDL Parachute

The segfault is on Gdi::decompressBitmap at gfx.cpp:823
Ticket imported from: !#569533. Ticket imported from: bugs/308.
Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-06-16 05:43:21: SF/ender changed resolution from * to invalid*

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-06-16 05:43:21: SF/ender changed status from new to closed

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-06-16 05:43:21: SF/ender commented

You are no doubt using the monkeyega version, which is not 
yet supported by ScummVM.
Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-06-16 05:47:49: SF/ender changed owner from * to SF/ender*