Mataniko / scummvm

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ZAK256: crash near Mars hostel door #354

Closed Mataniko closed 22 years ago

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 354

component: Engine: SCUMM | priority: normal | resolution: fixed

2002-07-16 22:56:30: SF/vvs created the issue

Load attached savegame and immediately push button at
the left of the door. The game will crash with the
Error\(27:205:0x12944\): FIXME\! Ender forgot why he added
this. Please report this as a bug code 0\!
Ticket imported from: !#582476. Ticket imported from: bugs/354.
Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-07-16 22:58:40: SF/vvs uploaded file zak256.s04.bz2 (8.0 KiB)

compressed savegame to demonstrate the bug

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-07-30 14:02:45: SF/ender changed owner from * to SF/ender*

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-07-30 14:02:45: SF/ender changed resolution from * to fixed*

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-07-30 14:02:45: SF/ender changed status from new to closed

Mataniko commented 22 years ago

2002-07-30 14:02:45: SF/ender commented

I still can't remember why I added that. Removed it. :P