MaterialFoundry / MaterialDeck

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[BUG] #121

Open cfarthing03 opened 1 month ago

cfarthing03 commented 1 month ago

When using FXmaster the color option doesn't seem to affect the weather controls, though it still works with the color filter

Whenever I activate the effect the console log gets spammed with 2681 errors. Most of them look to be the same thing just repeated. I've sent 3 of them below.

commons.js:2070 Error: You are accessing the DrawingDocument#data object which is no longer used. Since V10 the Document class and its contained DataModel are merged into a combined data structure. You should now reference keys which were previously contained within the data object directly. at logCompatibilityWarning (commons.js:2059:19) at DrawingDocument._logV10CompatibilityWarning (commons.js:8544:14) at get data [as data] (commons.js:8432:24) at Vehicles._refreshVehicleMap (vehicles.js:331:58) at Vehicles._refreshState (vehicles.js:309:10) at #call (foundry.js:730:20) at Hooks.callAll (foundry.js:687:17) at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:13738:13) at foundry.js:13711:43 at () at #handleUpdateDocuments (foundry.js:13711:33) l

commons.js:2070 Error: You are accessing the Scene#data object which is no longer used. Since V10 the Document class and its contained DataModel are merged into a combined data structure. You should now reference keys which were previously contained within the data object directly. at logCompatibilityWarning (commons.js:2059:19) at Scene._logV10CompatibilityWarning (commons.js:8544:14) at get data [as data] (commons.js:8432:24) at Vehicles._refreshVehicleMap (vehicles.js:330:35) at Vehicles._refreshState (vehicles.js:309:10) at #call (foundry.js:730:20) at Hooks.callAll (foundry.js:687:17) at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:13738:13) at foundry.js:13711:43 at () at #handleUpdateDocuments (foundry.js:13711:33) l

commons.js:2070 Error: You are accessing the DrawingDocument#data object which is no longer used. Since V10 the Document class and its contained DataModel are merged into a combined data structure. You should now reference keys which were previously contained within the data object directly. at logCompatibilityWarning (commons.js:2059:19) at DrawingDocument._logV10CompatibilityWarning (commons.js:8544:14) at get data [as data] (commons.js:8432:24) at Vehicles._refreshVehicleMap (vehicles.js:331:58) at Vehicles._refreshState (vehicles.js:309:10) at #call (foundry.js:730:20) at Hooks.callAll (foundry.js:687:17) at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:13738:13) at foundry.js:13711:43 at () at #handleUpdateDocuments (foundry.js:13711:33) l

farling42 commented 4 weeks ago

Just as a note, OperaGX isn't a supported browser because of the limitations it places on the canvas.