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storage: allow modifying data in source tables ("writing at sources") #15903

Open nmeagan11 opened 1 year ago

nmeagan11 commented 1 year ago


Allow users to modify the data in source tables using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.



Users want a way to correct "wrong" or corrupted data that's already been ingested into Materialize. This is particularly important in cases where 1) the user cannot fix the data in the upstream system, or 2) the source uses ENVELOPE NONE and so it is not possible today to edit the existing data.


Once #20208 is complete, the conceptual model of sources will become clearer: they're just an "ingestion widget" that read data from an external system and write it to normal-looking SQL tables. The only difference between a source table and a normal table is that source tables are read only to end users. End users can't edit the data in a source table. The source tables are wholly under the control of the source ingestion widget.

So, post #20208, the proposal here is quite simple: lift the read-only restriction on source tables. Allow running INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands against source tables, as if they were normal tables.

There are, however, many implementation details to sort out: e.g., how do we interleave end user DML with the ingestion widget's updates?


See also

benesch commented 10 months ago

@doy-materialize wanted this today to fix up data in a webhook source.

doy-materialize commented 10 months ago

another use case for this is moving sources around - if i stand up a webhook source in one environment and want to move it to another environment, or other kinds of restructuring like that, that necessarily means losing the entire data history (you could theoretically script something up to read all of the raw data from the original source and send fake webhooks to the new endpoint with that data, but getting that right isn't trivial, and could potentially have issues with things like rate limits depending on how much data there is).

this is currently mostly an issue for internal stuff because most customers only have a single environment, but it does feel like it limits the possibilities for refactoring/reorganization in kind of annoying ways.

petrosagg commented 3 months ago

Some constraints that need to be relaxed for this feature to happen are the following:

Single writer per timestamp

Persist dictates that there is only one process that determines the contents of a shard for a particular timestamp. Currently storage dataflows hold a persist write handle and append new batches of data to the shard. In order to allow users writing to the shard of a source at an arbitrary time we'll have to either:

Upsert dataflows rely on reading what they wrote for rehydration

Upsert dataflows read back their output shard in order to reconstruct their in-memory state. If we were to allow arbitrary modifications to their output by the user then it's unclear what happens on rehydration. Options here include things like:

guswynn commented 3 months ago

I agree with @petrosagg here, actually merging data between an ingestion dataflow and the INSERT statements is quite complex, I think all variations have tradeoffs.

He also makes a point about weird semantics of this feature interacting with UPSERT, but I also want to point out that this feature has bizarre semantics for anything but append-only sources, such as pg/mysql source:

I think any usecase for this that is just merging datasets is better captured by UNION ALL. For fixing errors, I think a more targeted way to retract errors from ENVELOPE NONE sources makes more sense. For ignoring errors for features of mysql/pg we don't support yet, I think the IGNORE ERRORS work people have been looking into fits better.

bkirwi commented 3 months ago

Agree with Petros and Gus that this feature feels semantically fraught... and for fundamental reasons, not just in the details. Today, despite all the caveats etc., (sub)sources generally have a pretty straightforward denotation as a view over some external state. Correctness properties 2 through 4 are all about how hard we work to faithfully preserve those semantics. Once users can write to subsources this seems to go out the window — a subsource’s contents might have little relationship with the upstream database at all.

That said, I think a lot of the details are kind of messy too. Take blue/green deploys: if I deploy an updated version of my source with a new schema, do my manual edits disappear or carry over? (Either option seems like it could be surprising.) What if those updates don’t match the schema of the new import, or a retraction retracts something that no longer exists?

bkirwi commented 3 months ago

I think it’s kind of interesting that users generally don’t have the same issues with materialized views. If a materialized view doesn’t spit out the data you want, you have options like:

Neither of these options are accessible to sources. Subsources can be pretty substantial views over the input data, involving complex transformations like Avro decoding — but users don’t have much access to or control over that logic. I feel like giving users control over that logic instead of baking it into the source feels like a less gnarly and more “Materailize”y approach to the problems that motivate this feature…

benesch commented 3 months ago

Back each logical collection by two shards, one that the source cluster controls and one that is a normal table ... This is the simplest but has the downside that there is no cross-shard compaction

Yeah, I think the lack of cross-shard compaction is a nonstarter. I imagine that a major use case for this feature would be running manual garbage compaction jobs like DELETE FROM src_table WHERE ts < now() - interval '1 month' to clean up old data.

Make storage dataflows write batches to S3 and send metadata back to the controller that does the final CoA to the shard. Open question of who does the final CaA in a pv2 world since there can be multiple controllers. One take is that you can only write to a source from the cluster that manages the ingestion.

Yeah, this is loosely what I was envisioning! The additional data is stitched into the source by the controller.

Upsert dataflows read back their output shard in order to reconstruct their in-memory state. If we were to allow arbitrary modifications to their output by the user then it's unclear what happens on rehydration ... This means a rework of upsert will be needed so that it continually reads back its output (as opposed to one time at startup) and takes it into account for each batch produced.

Yes, exactly what I was thinking conceptually!

He also makes a point about weird semantics of this feature interacting with UPSERT

I don't think the semantics are weird for ENVELOPE UPSERT? The implementation is complex, for sure, but the semantics seem straightforward.

I also want to point out that this feature has bizarre semantics for anything but append-only sources, such as pg/mysql source

Yep, @frankmcsherry called this out on Slack at some point, which is immortalized in the issue description. There's definitely an important distinction to draw between database CDC sources and Kafka/webhook sources.

My understanding is retracting errors is one intended feature. How do you DELETE an error? Do we need new SQL syntax for this?

I think the initial scope of this feature can not involve deleting errors. Although I do think is pointing in a cool direction: DELETE FROM ERRORS(t).

What does a source "table" even represent? Currently its an exact copy of the upstream table, but now it can contain arbitrary data whose origin is an arbitrary dml statement, lost to time?

Agree with Petros and Gus that this feature feels semantically fraught... and for fundamental reasons, not just in the details. Today, despite all the caveats etc., (sub)sources generally have a pretty straightforward denotation as a view over some external state. Correctness properties 2 through 4 are all about how hard we work to faithfully preserve those semantics. Once users can write to subsources this seems to go out the window — a subsource’s contents might have little relationship with the upstream database at all.

Hmm, it just doesn't seem all that semantically fraught to me? The implementation seems hard as hell in a few parts, for sure, but subsources being an exact copy of the upstream system unless you make some edits locally seems reasonable to me. The existing correctness properties all seem compatible with this take, too. None of them say that you can't sneak in additional events from a different source.

It's also the experience you get with Fivetran, too. Fivetran loads into normal tables. You mess with those tables at your own peril, but if you do discover that somehow the data's gotten out of sync, you can just fix it up manually in the downstream system, rather than forcing a full resync.

if I deploy an updated version of my source with a new schema, do my manual edits disappear or carry over? (Either option seems like it could be surprising.) What if those updates don’t match the schema of the new import, or a retraction retracts something that no longer exists?

I'd definitely expect them to disappear. To use the Fivetran analogy, adding a new copy of the source is forcing a full resync, and now it's on you to either have pushed your edits upstream, or to have some means of applying them manually again in Materialize.

I feel like giving users control over that logic instead of baking it into the source feels like a less gnarly and more “Materailize”y approach to the problems that motivate this feature…

I'm definitely interested in making FORMATs and ENVELOPEs more programmable so that the existing syntax can turn into syntax sugar. But doesn't that point back in the direction of "writing at" sources? At least loosely. Say we got rid of ENVELOPE UPSERT, for example. There's no way to get the equivalent experience on top of an ENVELOPE NONE source, because, even if you build the upsert logic as a TopK in compute, you can't push the retractions back at the persist source. AFAICT, either you need TRANSFORM USING, triggers, or the ability to issue DELETEs on source tables.

Thanks very much for the thoughts, y'all! It seems like a lot of the concerns are around 1) the implementation of writing at ENVELOPE UPSERT sources and 2) philosophical questions around "what is a subsource table anyway?"

Maybe it would help to scope the conversation down to Kafka and webhook sources with ENVELOPE NONE to start. Does anyone have major qualms about allowing users to use INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE with those types of sources?

I think this neatly sidesteps the philosophical problems. Webhook sources don't have an upstream—the source is the source of truth. And Kafka sources using ENVELOPE NONE already aren't an exact replica of upstream state. If the Kafka topic has a retention policy, that retention policy will be reflected upstream but not in Materialize.

benesch commented 3 months ago

A timely Slack conversation from a user who would have been well served by the ability to DELETE from webhook sources: