i've opened in godot 4.1 and im try debuging and found this error on hitbox code so player cannot hit by bat before he hit twice by bat
E 0:01:12:0201 Hitbox.gd:27 @ _on_body_entered(): Timer was not added to the SceneTree. Either add it or set autostart to true.
<C++ Error> Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true.
<C++ Source> scene/main/timer.cpp:109 @ start()
i've opened in godot 4.1 and im try debuging and found this error on hitbox code so player cannot hit by bat before he hit twice by bat
E 0:01:12:0201 Hitbox.gd:27 @ _on_body_entered(): Timer was not added to the SceneTree. Either add it or set autostart to true. <C++ Error> Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true. <C++ Source> scene/main/timer.cpp:109 @ start()