MateusZitelli / js-tree-algorithms

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Intent to Implement #2

Open cirocosta opened 9 years ago

cirocosta commented 9 years ago

I'm a bit out of this algorithms stuff so i don't have much to contribute here yet, but let's list some of the cool things that we intent to implement :))

@MateusZitelli started with the series of self-balancing BST's, so the next one is naturally redblack. I plan to implement some compression ones (have already done Huffman, planning to implements lz77 - getting close to Deflate would be awesome).

So, i add to the list:

MateusZitelli commented 9 years ago

Cool @cirocosta, I don't have much experience with compression trees, so I can't see a better reason to do it.

What about the implementation of Tries and B-trees? They are both covered by my algorithm course too and don't appear to be hard to implement.

Edit: Remove my list from here to centralize all the items in the list above.

cirocosta commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Trie family is pretty useful and cool to know :+1: I'll append those you mentioned to the first post of this issue, ok? (just do the same when you come up with new ideas :smile: )

I also suggest some path finding stuff, like Dijkstra and A* (which you already have implemented in python :D)

MateusZitelli commented 9 years ago

Nice man, I realy want to implement all this!

cirocosta commented 9 years ago

LCS - Longest Common Subsequence seems like a cool problem to search around solutions (i.e, more than that one proposed in the article using dyn. programming). I think it is cool because i really don't know what is the diffing process that ReactJS uses and this is something that might be very interesting