MateuszNaKodach / SelfImprovement

This project has some sample code for my personal learning purpose. Things which I've learnead are collected as issues here:
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Virtual CQRS ES and Event Modeling Workshop | ADAPTECH | Your Chance to Learn CQRS, Event Sourcing and Event Modeling from the industry pioneers #3966

Open MateuszNaKodach opened 3 years ago

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago




Event Sourcing

- Versioning of Events is one thing, but how to versioning Business Logic. For example, we have Event - OrderPlaced. Since the beginning we have been giving 5 customer points, but business change their mind and now we want to give 10 for the same actions (the same event?). Do we use Policy Pattern in this case or something else?


- Security & Permissions (2/2). More about DDD & CQRS than EventSourcing. Write Side: I've heard many times that permissions are not a domain concern. Imagine a collaborative domain (like Google Docs) where I can give permission to do something to whomever I want. It's easy to reject a command if for example your role is not able to do that. But what about command which rejection depends on domain model state (only assigned users can edit this doc)?

- Security & Permissions. (1/2) Do you have some nice solution how to use Event Sourcing while limiting what user can see? For example I want to have dynamic permissions (not role-based). It's easy to create projections for each role, but what if - for example - this user 1 can read field A from projection P, and user 2 can read field B from projection P.

EVENT MODELING - It’s nice to hear such things and after they stay in our minds. But it’s so difficult to repeat such things as you to others. Are you going to write about this topic (replacing DDD / C4 / meetings) with Event Modeling :) ?



oNote Yes templates would be nice. But what about... "extending notation on the fly" like in Event Storming. Sometimes we need to do something unusual. I'm always aware of that something which should help, can limit us in some cases. It would be nice if the oNote won't respond with "it's not possible, system doesn't allow to do that "like in state offices. How is it planned to be flexible and useful as well?


MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event-Centric Thinking Lowering complexity. Sometimes published events differ from state.

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MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago


MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago


MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Greg uzywa ES kiedy ludzie z biznesu sa bardzo zainteresowani. Jest duzo systemow gdzie CRUD jest OK. Jak to jest tylko updejt data.

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Sourcing Event Sourcing jest jak księgowość.

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MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Modeling



MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Modeling Tooling

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MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

DB better than Kafka as EventStore (indexes - id of event / aggregate type / )

Kafka does not have


MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

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MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Sourcing and Machine Learning


Christian Johansen 11:23:53 pm
So you feed the data with historical temperature Data

Shamresh Khan 11:24:34 pm
The first roomtemperatureview was made of from a number of views but the following views were not. Should they be and if not, where do those following views get the information?

Steven Elliott 11:25:50 pm
right. so, in this example, gathering some historic weather data, we can use it to augment our data when we rebuild our readmodels during a catchup of all events stored in the EventStore db

Christian Johansen 11:28:33 pm
Would like to see how do you bind the azure function event handlers with event store events

Christian Johansen 11:29:27 pm
Do you use Azure event grid at all ?

Steven Elliott 11:30:14 pm
I personally do not have experience with event grid, I understand it can be quite powerful especially when working with IoT and massive firehoses of data

Steven Elliott 11:31:34 pm
I apologize here for simulating a ton of historical data

Steven Elliott 11:33:20 pm
Main point I'm trying to display is how you can generate new datasets to utilize information you originally overlooked

Christian Johansen 11:34:05 pm
Makes sense

Rob Hale 11:36:44 pm
The problem I've encountered with event grid and event hub is that there are limits to the number of events that can be sent. IMHO, events within a domain should be handled within the domain. Cloud services and there limitations should be avoided for command and event handling

Rob Hale 11:37:47 pm
The limits are very high, but you're better publishing events and command internally. They are to critical to your system to trust to an external service

Christian Johansen 11:38:17 pm
@Rob Hale Probalby makes sense. MAybe use it for integration events to other Bounded contexts

Jonathan Swieboda 11:39:25 pm
Sorry just ran to the bathroom - what is this UI?

Rob Hale 11:39:47 pm
Exactly, I wouldn't have an issue using service bus to send things between domain. For example, send an event from ordering to purchasing. But within ordering, I should handle all event processing internally to keep control over issues like eventual consistency

Steven Elliott 11:39:50 pm
This is Azure Machine Learning Studio. It's pretty slick.

Steven Elliott 11:40:28 pm
Doesn't really allow for a lot of customizations, but you can quickly build up a model. Microsoft loves their gui's

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Sourcing and Machine Learning (Steven Elliott) Lookup tables - how to rebuild projections. OK Lookups have timestamps.

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Testing Event Sourcing Systems



Ludzie testujac biora gettery i settery obiektow domenowych i wszystkie sprawdzaja. A przeciez nie spradzasz np. zmieniajac adresu czy zmienilo Ci sie imie. W tym przykladzie wyrkyjesz cos innego.


Kto testuje nasze testy? Nikt, biznes - dostaje wydrukowane i mowi czy to tak działa. Główna wartosc to czytanie testów, a nie ich pisanie.

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Polyglot Development & Finding Sub-System Boundaries Możesz zatrudniać Juniorów - proste zadanie do wykonania - kawałek. Najwyżej się przepisze. Inny język? Junior vs doswiadczenie w innym jezyku. Możesz kogos zatrudnić.

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

State Machines and Types of Storage


Turing machine - input -> state -> output. Events. image image image Wtirer can write to one stream, which read.

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EventStore can be only one and global order -> stream is level of isolation.

image Works well. Memory caches also.

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MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

GraphQL Event Sourcing screencapture-bigmarker-conferences-b5b41ef3fbc8-bigroom-2020-11-19-16_57_06

MateuszNaKodach commented 3 years ago

Event Driven UI image

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