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[ML] F-divergences between multivariate-gaussian (diagonal) #8

Open shouldsee opened 6 years ago

shouldsee commented 6 years ago

APOLOGY: I don't have Chinese input on this computer.


Given the popularity of gaussian mixture model (GMM), it would be handy to have some tools to visualise the redundancy between fitted gaussians.


Implementing some common F-divergence metrics between multivariate gaussians (given N(\mu, \Sigma)) :


Quite often the covariance matrix \Sigma is truncated to diagonal only, thus it's preferred to have a fast version for these "diagonal Gaussian" that avoids expansion of full covariance matrix.


Please do note me if there is any existing implementation.

shouldsee commented 6 years ago

@guofei9987 Do you fancy some GMM in your scikit-opt?

guofei9987 commented 6 years ago

@shouldsee 看看这里怎么样

shouldsee commented 6 years ago

@guofei9987 sklearn我已经在用了,现在主要考虑mixture之间的冗余性的问题,想用hierarchical clustering解决,但是没看到好用的metric

def KLD_cov(u_cov,v_cov):
    out = (- np.log(sum(u_cov)) + np.log(sum(v_cov))  + sum(v_cov/u_cov))/2
    return out
def KLD_mu(diff_mu,v_cov):
    out =  np.sum(diff_mu ** 2 / v_cov)
    return out

def KLD_both(u,v):
    L = len(u)
    u_cov = u[:L//2]
    v_cov = v[:L//2]
    u_mu = u[L//2:]
    v_mu = v[L//2:]
    diff_mu = v_mu - u_mu
    out  = 0
    out += KLD_cov(u_cov,v_cov) - L//2
    out += KLD_cov(v_cov,u_cov) - L//2
    out += KLD_mu(diff_mu,v_cov)
    out += KLD_mu(-diff_mu,u_cov)
    return out
if 1:
    sort_idx = np.argsort(dpgmm.means_[:,0])
    COV = dpgmm.covariances_[sort_idx,:]
    MEAN = dpgmm.means_[sort_idx,:]
    obs = np.hstack([COV,MEAN])
    D = distance.pdist(obs, KLD_both)

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