MathGaron / mean_average_precision

Small and simple python/numpy utility to compute mean average precision (mAP) on detection task.
MIT License
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Interpolated average precision #2

Closed alessandro-montanari closed 6 years ago

alessandro-montanari commented 6 years ago

Hi, nice work and thank you! I was wondering if you were already working on adding the interpolated version of the metric. I will look into it in the following days and I thought maybe you had something to share.

MathGaron commented 6 years ago

Thank you! I did not start any implementation, but that could be the push I needed to finish it. I may have some time this week to work on this, I will close this issue once it is done.

alessandro-montanari commented 6 years ago

Cool, thanks! I just started using your library to evaluate a CNN for object detection on Keras and it works fine but I noticed that it doesn't handle the case where in the GT I have 1 or more BB and the model instead does not predict any BB. In this case the pred_bb is an array with shape (0, 4) and the he code crashes in the intersect function with this error:

File "", line 172, in <module>
  File "", line 166, in _main_
    mAP.evaluate(pred_bb, pred_classes, pred_conf, gt_bb, gt_classes)
  File "../mean_average_precision/mean_average_precision/", line 42, in evaluate
    self.evaluate_(accumulators, pred_bb, pred_classes, pred_conf, gt_bb, gt_classes, r, self.overlap_threshold)
  File "../mean_average_precision/mean_average_precision/", line 49, in evaluate_
    IoU = jaccard(pred_bb, gt_bb)
  File "../mean_average_precision/mean_average_precision/", line 46, in jaccard
    inter = intersect(box_a, box_b)
  File "../mean_average_precision/mean_average_precision/", line 25, in intersect
    inter = np.clip(diff_xy, a_min=0, a_max=np.max(diff_xy))
  File "/Users/alessandro/Envs/tensor+kerasPy3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 2272, in amax
    out=out, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/alessandro/Envs/tensor+kerasPy3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 26, in _amax
    return umr_maximum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity

At the moment I fixed the problem by initialising pred_bb to an array with shape (1, 4) where the all the values are at zero (same thing for the class and confidence array). Is it correct?

Another thing, I noticed that usually in papers people report the mAP as a value between 0 and 100 (it seems), is it just because they use the percentage or they manipulate the metric somehow?

Thank you.

MathGaron commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report, Indeed the code does not handle this case! Good catch, I tested it mostly with an SSD network which always outputs a fixed number of predictions... And totally forgot about others methods that output a different amount of predictions. Adding a zero box with 0 confidence can be a temporary solution but may affect slightly the pr curve (the first threshold is 0) and it will be considered as a false positive of class 0, which it is not. I will fix this later this week.

For the 0 to 100, I don't see what else than a percentage it could be, precision and recall are both ratios (0 to 1) and average precision is the area under the precision and recall curve. So I am quite sure that they use a percentage ;). If you have some doubts you can link me one of the papers so I can take a closer look!

MathGaron commented 6 years ago

Just fixed the no prediction bug (#3). If there is anything do not hesitate!

MathGaron commented 6 years ago

Finally implemented the interpolated average precision.

It is now the default computed when plot is called, as VOC uses it.

simapero commented 6 years ago

Hi! First of all thank you for the code :) I see you modified the code to deal with the no prediction case and I wanted to ask you if and how in this case we have to pass the first three arrays to the evaluate function