This is a higher level summary of the important features from Andrea's issue and other notes. Refer to the issue for should haves.
Must haves
[ ] Implement sorting of the result set.
[ ] Show sorting in headers.
[ ] Implement defaults (see section below).
[ ] Downloads: whole dataset, whole result set, objects by checkbox, random sample.
[ ] Rename filters to conditions.
[ ] Consider the minimal number of clicks to see the result set (should be smaller than 5).
[ ] Indicate clearly if the search conditions are not yet reflected in the result set (possibly try to avoid this scenario). In particular, the "Display results" button should be automatically changed to "Update results" button, if the two-step process is kept up.
[ ] Display some information about the dataset being shown.
[ ] Improve font size and colour contrast.
[ ] Instead of the Home-Button (functionality already via logo) create Contact-Button for contacting the maintainers of
[ ] Alignment: column headers should have the same alignment as the contents, cell alignment is part of the presenter info.
[ ] After having chosen a filter, the focus should go to the editable variables for that filter
[ ] default ordering on columns
[ ] default subset of columns to be displayed (only ask if more than ~10)
[ ] default sorting of result set
[ ] only show available filters in some order (autocomplete search), same as default on columns
This is a higher level summary of the important features from Andrea's issue and other notes. Refer to the issue for should haves.
Must haves