MathOnco / valis

Virtual Alignment of pathoLogy Image Series
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In register_micro() (, shouldn't new_bk_dxdy be a vips image? #40

Closed zindy closed 1 year ago

zindy commented 1 year ago

Hi Chandler,

sorry I've got another one for you, but maybe the problem is at my end, I'm not sure.

When I launch micro-registration pretty much like in your examples (using valis code from the main repo):

        registrar = registration.Valis(
            slide_src_dir, results_dst_dir, reference_img_f = fn_ref, max_processed_image_dim_px=1500,
            thumbnail_size=1500,  create_masks=True, align_to_reference=True)

        rigid_registrar, non_rigid_registrar, error_df = registrar.register()

        # Perform micro-registration on higher resolution images, aligning directly to the reference image
        registrar.register_micro(max_non_rigid_registration_dim_px=1000, align_to_reference=True)

I have an issue around these two lines:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

-> 3792 updated_bk_dxdy = current_bk_dxdy + new_bk_dxdy
   3793 updated_fwd_dxdy = current_fwd_dxdy + new_fwd_dxdy

I can trace the problem back to current_bk_dxdy being of the type <class 'pyvips.vimage.Image'> and new_bk_dxdy of the type <class 'numpy.ndarray'>.

So based on your code, I added conversions for new_bk_dxdy and new_fwd_dxdy.

But, that change on its own is not enough: is_array may also need to be set to True so, you can see in the code below that I change it to True in your if not isinstance(slide_obj.bk_dxdy[0], pyvips.Image): test.

If not, I get an index error around these two lines

   3799 if not write_dxdy:
-> 3800     slide_obj.bk_dxdy = np.array([updated_bk_dxdy[..., 0], updated_bk_dxdy[..., 1]])
   3801     slide_obj.fwd_dxdy = np.array([updated_fwd_dxdy[..., 0], updated_fwd_dxdy[..., 1]])

Here's your register_micro() loop starting line 3761 with the two changes:

        for slide_obj in self.slide_dict.values():

            nr_obj = non_rigid_registrar.non_rigid_obj_dict[]
            is_array = False

            if not isinstance(nr_obj.bk_dxdy[0], pyvips.Image):
                new_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(nr_obj.bk_dxdy)).cast("float")
                new_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(nr_obj.fwd_dxdy)).cast("float")
                new_bk_dxdy = nr_obj.bk_dxdy
                new_fwd_dxdy = nr_obj.fwd_dxdy

            if np.any(non_rigid_registrar.shape != full_out_shape_rc):
                # Micro-registration perfomred on sub-region. Need to put in full image
                new_bk_dxdy = self.pad_displacement(new_bk_dxdy, full_out_shape_rc, mask_bbox_xywh)
                new_fwd_dxdy = self.pad_displacement(new_fwd_dxdy, full_out_shape_rc, mask_bbox_xywh)

            if not isinstance(slide_obj.bk_dxdy[0], pyvips.Image):
                is_array = True
                current_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(slide_obj.bk_dxdy)).cast("float")
                current_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(slide_obj.fwd_dxdy)).cast("float")
                current_bk_dxdy = slide_obj.bk_dxdy
                current_fwd_dxdy = slide_obj.fwd_dxdy

            slide_sxy = (np.array(out_shape)/np.array([current_bk_dxdy.height, current_bk_dxdy.width]))[::-1]
            if not np.all(slide_sxy == 1):
                scaled_bk_dx = float(slide_sxy[0])*current_bk_dxdy[0]
                scaled_bk_dy = float(slide_sxy[1])*current_bk_dxdy[1]
                current_bk_dxdy = scaled_bk_dx.bandjoin(scaled_bk_dy)
                current_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.resize_img(current_bk_dxdy, out_shape)

Like I said, it could very well be something wrong with my code! :-)

Also, three instances of registraration in

Cheers, Egor

cdgatenbee commented 1 year ago

Thanks again @zindy! Ι'll run an example here using the same parameters to see if I can recreate the error and clean things up to avoid it (and also fix all those typos : ) )

Best, -Chandler

cdgatenbee commented 1 year ago

Hi @zindy, I was able to reproduce the error, but have fixed it with the following updated method in the Valis class:

    def register_micro(self,  brightfield_processing_cls=DEFAULT_BRIGHTFIELD_CLASS,
                 reference_img_f=None, align_to_reference=False, mask=None, tile_wh=DEFAULT_NR_TILE_WH):
        """Improve alingment of microfeatures by performing second non-rigid registration on larger images

        Caclculates additional non-rigid deformations using a larger image

        brightfield_processing_cls : preprocessing.ImageProcesser
            preprocessing.ImageProcesser used to pre-process brightfield images to make
            them look as similar as possible.

        brightfield_processing_kwargs : dict
            Dictionary of keyward arguments to be passed to `brightfield_processing_cls`

        if_processing_cls : preprocessing.ImageProcesser
            preprocessing.ImageProcesser used to pre-process immunofluorescent images
            to make them look as similar as possible.

        if_processing_kwargs : dict
            Dictionary of keyward arguments to be passed to `if_processing_cls`

        max_non_rigid_registration_dim_px : int, optional
             Maximum width or height of images used for non-rigid registration.
             If None, then the full sized image will be used. However, this
             may take quite some time to complete.

        reference_img_f : str, optional
            Filename of image that will be treated as the center of the stack.
            If None, the index of the middle image will be the reference, and
            images will be aligned towards it. If provided, images will be
            aligned to this reference.

        align_to_reference : bool, optional
            If `False`, images will be non-rigidly aligned serially towards the
            reference image. If `True`, images will be non-rigidly aligned
            directly to the reference image. If `reference_img_f` is None,
            then the reference image will be the one in the middle of the stack.

        non_rigid_registrar_cls : NonRigidRegistrar, optional
            Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to
            calculate the deformation fields between images. See
            the `non_rigid_registrars` module for a desciption of available
            methods. If a desired non-rigid registration method is not available,
            one can be implemented by subclassing.NonRigidRegistrar.

        non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional
            Dictionary containing key, value pairs to be used to initialize
            In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be
            a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be
            converted to strings. See the NonRigidRegistrar classes in
            `non_rigid_registrars` for the available non-rigid registration
            methods and arguments.

        ref_slide = self.get_ref_slide()
        if mask is None:
            if ref_slide.non_rigid_reg_mask is not None:
                mask = ref_slide.non_rigid_reg_mask.copy()

        nr_reg_src, max_img_dim, non_rigid_reg_mask, full_out_shape_rc, mask_bbox_xywh = \

        img0 = nr_reg_src[serial_non_rigid.IMG_LIST_KEY][0]
        img_specific_args = None
        write_dxdy = False

        self._non_rigid_bbox = mask_bbox_xywh
        self._full_displacement_shape_rc = full_out_shape_rc

        if isinstance(img0, pyvips.Image):

            # Have determined that these images will be too big
            msg = (f"Registration would more than {TILER_THRESH_GB} GB if all images opened in memory. "
                    f"Will use NonRigidTileRegistrar to register cooresponding tiles to reduce memory consumption, "
                    f"but this method is experimental")


            write_dxdy = True
            img_specific_args = {}
            for slide_obj in self.slide_dict.values():

                # Add registration parameters
                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params = {}
                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_CLS_KEY] = non_rigid_registrar_cls
                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_STATS_KEY] = self.target_processing_stats
                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_WH_KEY] = tile_wh

                if slide_obj.is_rgb:
                    processing_cls = brightfield_processing_cls
                    processing_args = brightfield_processing_kwargs
                    processing_cls = if_processing_cls
                    processing_args = if_processing_kwargs

                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_CLASS_KEY] = processing_cls
                tiled_non_rigid_reg_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_KW_KEY] = processing_args

                img_specific_args[slide_obj.src_f] = tiled_non_rigid_reg_params

            non_rigid_registrar_cls = non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidTileRegistrar

        print("\n==== Performing microregistration\n")
        non_rigid_registrar = serial_non_rigid.register_images(src=nr_reg_src,

        pathlib.Path(self.micro_reg_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        out_shape = full_out_shape_rc
        n_digits = len(str(self.size))
        micro_reg_imgs = [None] * self.size

        for slide_obj in self.slide_dict.values():

            nr_obj = non_rigid_registrar.non_rigid_obj_dict[]

            # Will be combining original and new dxdy as pyvips Images
            if not isinstance(nr_obj.bk_dxdy, pyvips.Image):
                vips_new_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(nr_obj.bk_dxdy)).cast("float")
                vips_new_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(nr_obj.fwd_dxdy)).cast("float")
                vips_new_bk_dxdy = nr_obj.bk_dxdy
                vips_new_fwd_dxdy = nr_obj.fwd_dxdy

            if not isinstance(slide_obj.bk_dxdy[0], pyvips.Image):
                vips_current_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(slide_obj.bk_dxdy)).cast("float")
                vips_current_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.numpy2vips(np.dstack(slide_obj.fwd_dxdy)).cast("float")
                vips_current_bk_dxdy = slide_obj.bk_dxdy
                vips_current_fwd_dxdy = slide_obj.fwd_dxdy

            if np.any(non_rigid_registrar.shape != full_out_shape_rc):
                # Micro-registration performed on sub-region. Need to put in full image
                vips_new_bk_dxdy = self.pad_displacement(vips_new_bk_dxdy, full_out_shape_rc, mask_bbox_xywh)
                vips_new_fwd_dxdy = self.pad_displacement(vips_new_fwd_dxdy, full_out_shape_rc, mask_bbox_xywh)

            # Scale original dxdy to match scaled shape of new dxdy
            slide_sxy = (np.array(out_shape)/np.array([vips_current_bk_dxdy.height, vips_current_bk_dxdy.width]))[::-1]
            if not np.all(slide_sxy == 1):
                scaled_bk_dx = float(slide_sxy[0])*vips_current_bk_dxdy[0]
                scaled_bk_dy = float(slide_sxy[1])*vips_current_bk_dxdy[1]
                vips_current_bk_dxdy = scaled_bk_dx.bandjoin(scaled_bk_dy)
                vips_current_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.resize_img(vips_current_bk_dxdy, out_shape)

                scaled_fwd_dx = float(slide_sxy[0])*vips_current_fwd_dxdy[0]
                scaled_fwd_dy = float(slide_sxy[1])*vips_current_fwd_dxdy[1]
                vips_current_fwd_dxdy = scaled_fwd_dx.bandjoin(scaled_fwd_dy)
                vips_current_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.resize_img(vips_current_fwd_dxdy, out_shape)

            vips_updated_bk_dxdy = vips_current_bk_dxdy + vips_new_bk_dxdy
            vips_updated_fwd_dxdy = vips_current_fwd_dxdy + vips_new_fwd_dxdy

            if not write_dxdy:
                # Will save numpy dxdy as Slide attributes
                np_updated_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.vips2numpy(vips_updated_bk_dxdy)
                np_updated_fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.vips2numpy(vips_updated_fwd_dxdy)

                slide_obj.bk_dxdy = np.array([np_updated_bk_dxdy[..., 0], np_updated_bk_dxdy[..., 1]])
                slide_obj.fwd_dxdy = np.array([np_updated_fwd_dxdy[..., 0], np_updated_fwd_dxdy[..., 1]])
                pathlib.Path(self.displacements_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
                slide_obj.stored_dxdy = True

                bk_dxdy_f, fwd_dxdy_f = slide_obj.get_displacement_f()
                slide_obj._bk_dxdy_f = bk_dxdy_f
                slide_obj._fwd_dxdy_f = fwd_dxdy_f

                # Save space by only writing the necessary areas. Most displacements may be 0
                cropped_bk_dxdy = vips_updated_bk_dxdy.extract_area(*mask_bbox_xywh)
                cropped_fwd_dxdy = vips_updated_fwd_dxdy.extract_area(*mask_bbox_xywh)

                cropped_bk_dxdy.cast("float").tiffsave(slide_obj._bk_dxdy_f, compression="lzw", lossless=True, tile=True, bigtiff=True)
                cropped_fwd_dxdy.cast("float").tiffsave(slide_obj._fwd_dxdy_f, compression="lzw", lossless=True, tile=True, bigtiff=True)

            if not slide_obj.is_rgb:
                img_to_warp = slide_obj.processed_img
                img_to_warp = slide_obj.image

            micro_reg_img = slide_obj.warp_img(img_to_warp, non_rigid=True, crop=self.crop)

            img_save_id = str.zfill(str(slide_obj.stack_idx), n_digits)
            micro_fout = os.path.join(self.micro_reg_dir, f"{img_save_id}_{}.png")
            micro_thumb = self.create_thumbnail(micro_reg_img)
            warp_tools.save_img(micro_fout, micro_thumb)

            processed_micro_reg_img = slide_obj.warp_img(slide_obj.processed_img)
            micro_reg_imgs[slide_obj.stack_idx] = processed_micro_reg_img

        pickle.dump(self, open(self.reg_f, 'wb'))

        micro_overlap = self.draw_overlap_img(micro_reg_imgs)
        self.micro_reg_overlap_img = micro_overlap
        overlap_img_fout = os.path.join(self.overlap_dir, + "_micro_reg.png")
        warp_tools.save_img(overlap_img_fout, micro_overlap, thumbnail_size=self.thumbnail_size)

        print("\n==== Measuring error\n")
        error_df = self.measure_error()
        data_f_out = os.path.join(self.data_dir, + "_summary.csv")
        error_df.to_csv(data_f_out, index=False)

        return non_rigid_registrar, error_df

Note that it also has the many "registraration" typos fixed. If you'd like to try it out in your local copy of valis, please let me know if you run into any other issues. Thanks again for catching all of this, it will be in the next update!

Best, -Chandler

zindy commented 1 year ago

Thank you @cdgatenbee!

Just a quick reply to close this issue: I replaced my register_micro() with yours and can confirm my code is running fine with the new function.

Cheers, Egor