MathWebSearch / LaTeXML-Plugin-MathWebSearch

A LaTeXML extension for generatiing MathWebSearch queries from TeX
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Added bindings for the iTex commands that are used in the nLab Harvester #7

Closed typohnebild closed 5 years ago

typohnebild commented 5 years ago

This includes the nlab.sty.ltxml, that includes the bindings for the iTex commands that weren't supported out of the box and the nlab.opt I used while harvesting. I also added some preloads to the mwsq profile so that the iTex commands can be used while search

dginev commented 5 years ago

Pretty neat bindings! I am particularly happy about the test, and Travis passing.

I was wondering if you'd prefer to use the latexml approach to testing TeX, (one example ) so that you also deposit the expected XML from the tex, and have the test suite immediately catch regressions in the markup.

It's a bit bigger of maintenance burden, but it also gives you more transparency on what is being tested.

In latexml, you can auto-generated the XML for a tex test via:

perl tool/maketests t/expansion/toks.tex

and that script should be callable into side-projects as well, it just runs latexml with the test-friendly parameters set. You'd need to change your itex_test file into a itex/formulas.tex or similarly named file, and have the test as (still named t/2_itexcommands.t):

use LaTeXML::Util::Test;

dginev commented 5 years ago

Apart from that, happy to merge here, and let you test this in the real world.

kohlhase commented 5 years ago

I am also happy to see that there is progress on this. But I am not sure that the MWS plugin is the right final resting place. I have the feeling that there should maybe be a separate plugin for iTeX2MML. After all, iTeX2MML is a standalone library and there are MWS installations that do not need iTeX2MML (on the contrary, nlab is the only one). @dginev, how much work would it be to have a separate plugin? In fact, the iTeX plugin might be a good possibility for the LaTeXML distribution.

dginev commented 5 years ago

Oh, making a new standalone repository is simple, just copy the directory structure of this plugin, rename to the new name, and only keep the newly added files here. And update the makefile.

kohlhase commented 5 years ago

But do you agree that having a separate plugin is the right way to go?

dginev commented 5 years ago

It can certainly be a separate plugin if it is not a requirement for MWS, yes. Since plugins are somewhat fluid in scope, there is more flexibility, so I am happy either way.

typohnebild commented 5 years ago

I also think it is reasonable to have this in a separate Plugin hence I will try to create one and move all that stuff into it. Regarding the test I have two questions:

  1. Is it possible to use a specific profile (like my nlab.opt) while auto generating the xml files?
  2. How can I tell in the latexml_tests("t/itex"); call that it should use my profile?
dginev commented 5 years ago

By default the latexml_tests method does not use a profile, instead you need to provide a fully formed .tex source with all \usepackage options - and they only produce latexml's XML flavor in an .xml file of the same name.

But we also support more, if you instead write the test as a .spec file. For example 92_profiles.t looks like an ordinary test, but it finds and uses the .spec test specification. For instance fragment.spec just specifies using the fragment profile on a given source file.

You can still use the maketests utility, though it is missing a default check (just opened a PR triggered by this discussion ). For now you can use:

perl tools/maketests --xml t/daemon/profiles/fragment.spec
kohlhase commented 5 years ago

I also think it is reasonable to have this in a separate Plugin hence I will try to create one and move all that stuff into it.

I think it should be in the MathWebSearch namespace and have the name LaTeXML-plugin-iTeX2MML. I will make such a repository and give you access.

kohlhase commented 5 years ago

I made the repository and gave you access. You should have gotten an e-mail. we should (eventually) close this merge request and build the plugin there.

typohnebild commented 5 years ago

Ok, I've pushed everything to the new repository