MathWebSearch / mws

MathWebSearch Implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
46 stars 12 forks source link

enhancement: publish mws to ppa #81

Closed physikerwelt closed 9 years ago

physikerwelt commented 9 years ago

to simplify the deployment and to demonstrate that there are stable versions that really work you might consider to provide debian packages. Putting something to launchpad would be a great start. The procedure is quite straight forward just include all the dependencies in the control files for me

apt-get install git g++ cmake make pkg-config libmicrohttpd-dev  
        libxml2-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libjson0 libjson0-
        dev libhtmlcxx-dev libicu-dev  libcurl4-gnutls-dev doxygen 
        netcat curl

worked see also

kohlhase commented 9 years ago

you are quite right, that would be great. Maybe you want to contribute that?

physikerwelt commented 9 years ago

A one time build would probably not help too much. It's quite good documented, but still a bit of work. I guess it will take 3-4 hours if you have not done it before. Furthermore, the publisher is the perso,n who creates the debian package and signs the package with his private key. I'm not sure, if I'm the right person for this task.

kohlhase commented 9 years ago

But am sure that you could walk Radu through the process to soften the learning curve, right? That would lower the hurdle significantlly.

Raduh commented 9 years ago

It took a bit more than expected, but now you can find the new release at:

The PPA is: ppa:radu-hambasan/math-web-search