Mathelab / ALTRE

ALTered Regulatory Elements
9 stars 8 forks source link

3.3.2 testing #13

Closed Mathelab closed 8 years ago

Mathelab commented 8 years ago

Test package on 3.3.2 and ensure it works.

osubmi784323 commented 8 years ago

Shouldn't this say 3.2.0? I tested the installation on Andy's computer using the github readme and it fails on R 3.2.0. The bioconductor packages install but when the line devtools::install_github("mathelab/ALTRE") is run and it is automatically installing the other R packages it fails on the installation of the readr R package.

Mathelab commented 8 years ago

Got it to work but had to do lots of manual installations:

need to install gfortran version-4.2 first

source("") install.packages(“sourcetools”) install.packages(“Matrix”) install.packages(“shiny”) install.packages(“rmarkdown”) install.packages(“shinydashboard”) install.packages(“shinyFiles”) biocLite(“AnnotationHub”) biocLite(“rGREAT”) BiocInstaller::biocLite(c( '', 'EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75', ‘GO.db’, ‘dplyr', ‘ensembldb’, ‘genefilter’, ‘DESeq2’)) install.packages(“highcharter”) install.packages(“readr”) devtools::install_github("mathelab/ALTRE", ref="webgraphs")