MathematicalMedicine / diver-issues

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Pedigree set summaries should include total individuals, sort by affecteds count #223

Open Viqsi opened 6 months ago

Viqsi commented 6 months ago

From Veronica's todo document:

• Add total individuals to ped ascertainment summary view, and sort by # affecteds o Confirm people outside the cohort are included o Confirm total individuals will include dummy individuals needed to connect the family

The core item (changing the summary view) is something I can do. The other two are in @WValenti's corner, altho I think the middle item (people outside the cohort are included) is certain and VV just needs to be informed. The last item (inclusion of dummy individuals) is less clear and may be a separate issue.

Viqsi commented 2 months ago

Forgot to note here that in prior discussions of those latter two items @WValenti has indeed taken care of both of those confirmations, so now it's just changing the summaries. So it's all me now.