MathematicalMedicine / diver-issues

Semipublic tracking of issues for the DIVER front end
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Download Data page needs a little UX love #239

Open Viqsi opened 1 month ago

Viqsi commented 1 month ago

So there's a few issues with Download Data:

Viqsi commented 1 month ago

The second item might be doable via an event listener; I'd have to look around and see if there's an event fired for "download has begun and user has been prompted" or whatnot.

Viqsi commented 2 weeks ago

There is no such event and the workarounds are made of failure and sadness, so I've been working on splitting the API endpoint into two - a "create this download" and "retrieve this download" matched set, much like what we do with, well, everything else. Thankfully @WValenti's existing backend works on this model, so it's just a question of modifying the interface to it.