Mathesar / 14mhz-accelerator

14MHz 68000 accelerator with 1MB fast ram for amiga 500
72 stars 5 forks source link

simple 8MB option (AS6C6416) #8

Open raszpl opened 1 year ago

raszpl commented 1 year ago

AS6C6416 3.3V only (max Vcc 4.6V) so author of Parciero went full insane mode but it works. To be on a safe side there should be $1 SN74LVC16T245/SN74LVC16245 in front of it. $28 so not terrible considering two IS61C5128AS is already $10.

Mathesar commented 1 month ago

Could be done I guess. The address decoder has to be changed of course, as well the RAM CS and OE / WR strobes as these are currently layed out for a high byte and low byte RAM chip. Also, the RAM would have to be added via a command in the startup sequence as it will not be auto recognized.