Matheus-Garbelini / sweyntooth_bluetooth_low_energy_attacks

Proof of Concept of Sweyntooth Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) vulnerabilities.
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Encryption Error #21

Closed charanteja070 closed 3 years ago

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Matheus-Garbelini ,

When I am running "python /dev/ttyACM0 " in Fedora machine and initiating connection to our DUT, I am getting encryption error. Please find the below logs TX ---> BTLE_ADV / BTLE_CONNECT_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_VERSION_IND TX ---> BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_FEATURE_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / L2CAP_Hdr / SM_Hdr / SM_Security_Request Slave requested authentication of 0xd We are using authentication of 0x9 TX ---> BTLE_ADV / BTLE_SCAN_REQ 88:DA:1A:EB:8D:E6: BTLE_ADV / BTLE_ADV_IND Detected TX ---> BTLE_ADV / BTLE_CONNECT_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_VERSION_IND TX ---> BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_FEATURE_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / L2CAP_Hdr / SM_Hdr / SM_Security_Request Slave requested authentication of 0xd We are using authentication of 0x9 RX <--- BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_FEATURE_RSP TX ---> BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_LENGTH_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_LENGTH_RSP TX ---> BTLE_DATA / L2CAP_Hdr / SM_Hdr / SM_Pairing_Request RX <--- BTLE_DATA / L2CAP_Hdr / SM_Hdr / SM_Pairing_Response TX ---> BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_ENC_REQ RX <--- BTLE_DATA / CtrlPDU / LL_ENC_RSP Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 338, in conn_session_key = bt_crypto_e(conn_ltk[::-1], conn_skd[::-1]) File "", line 116, in bt_crypto_e return aes.encrypt(plaintext) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 244, in encrypt return self._cipher.encrypt(plaintext) TypeError: argument must be string or read-only buffer, not bytearray.

My Analysis here is, it is considering encrypt from Fedora library, not from our /lib/smp_server. Can you please help me out.

Thanks Charan

Matheus-Garbelini commented 3 years ago

Hi @charanteja070 what python version are you using?

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

I am using 2.7. @Matheus-Garbelini , it should consider from /libs/smp_server right?

Matheus-Garbelini commented 3 years ago

Hi @charanteja070 check what input types are going to bt_crypto_e: if you do type(conn_skd) it should return a string type <type 'str'>. Perhaps there is something wrong when receiving the conn_skd parameter from the peripheral.

My Python version is 2.7.17.

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

My Python version is 2.7.11

Matheus-Garbelini commented 3 years ago

Hi @charanteja070 I'd have to test this again to check what is exactly happening. Alternatively, you can use the docker in this repository to ensure that is not some python package broken.

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Matheus-Garbelini , Can you please help me out to work on this " you can use the docker in this repository to ensure that is not some python package broken." And also can you please clarify me, "encrypt" will be consider from /lib folder (or) /usr/lib/python2.7/.

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Matheus-Garbelini , Can you please help me out

charanteja070 commented 3 years ago

HI @Matheus-Garbelini , I am able to run this script after installing this "pip install pycryptodome".

So, we can close this Query.