Matheus-Garbelini / sweyntooth_bluetooth_low_energy_attacks

Proof of Concept of Sweyntooth Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) vulnerabilities.
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Test Script error #8

Closed WCCWCC closed 4 years ago

WCCWCC commented 4 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): pkt = receive_encrypted(pkt) # Decrypt Link Layer print(Fore.RED + "MIC Wrong: " + e) TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'exceptions.ValueError' objects

Matheus-Garbelini commented 4 years ago

@WCCWCC be careful, this script is not known to the public, contact me via my email:

You can fix this error by changing the line to print(Fore.RED + "MIC Wrong: " + str(e)) Notice the addition of the str casting over the "e" error.

WCCWCC commented 4 years ago

@Matheus-Garbelini Thanks, But i have some other questions, i have sent an email, hope to help me.